Have You Ever Had A Tetanus Shot? – IOTW Report

Have You Ever Had A Tetanus Shot?

28 Comments on Have You Ever Had A Tetanus Shot?

  1. Went to Walmart to pick up a prescription, and the lady at the counter tried pushing a tetanus vaccine on me. I haven’t had anyone ask if I had a tetanus shot in decades – I thought it was strange that this came up.

  2. RickeyG

    Same here. The tetanus things been around so long I assumed it was safe. Why are pharmacies now pushing vaxes? Every time I pick up a prescription they want to give me a shot. Since when did a pharmacist become a medical health care providers? I’m not taking jack shit a pharmacist prescribes.

  3. The wife recently went back to college to get yet another useless degree. The stupid state college makes everyone get a tetanus booster, even for freaking remote learning graduate programs. Dumb as shit..
    Luckily, I guess, they don’t make or have a recommendation for the useless covid poison injection.

  4. I’ll tell my boyfriend who hates condoms, not to worry getting me pregnant: “I’ve had all my tetanus shots.”

    I also told him that on our first date because his little fellow looks like a rusty nail.

  5. Tetanus is common around primarily horses in barn yards. Having been cut on barnyard barbed wire and sliced on farm equipment I’ve had 6 shots, this was in the 60’s. Dr. told me I didn’t need any more because I’ve had more than enough for long term protection. No Flu, No covid, nothing else since 1980.

  6. Many times over the years, but it’s been at least 15 years since I’ve gotten a shot of any kind. And I think I can happily go the rest of my life without another injection. If the last few years have shown us nothing else, it’s that these fuckers will poison us or kill us for power and profit.

  7. Now tell us what was up with the rubella vaccine, and that weird device they used to inoculate. I remember standing in line in the elementary school library, all of us kids shuffling along like star-bellied sneeches, barely stopping to get zapped in the arm by that oddly painful gun.

  8. …Ive been susceptible to cutting myself with rusty metal for one reason or another since I was very young, so Ive probably had a tetanus shot every 7 years or so since I was little. The interval used to be 7 years but they changed it to 10 somewhere along the line, and it used to be just tetanus but 8n latter days theyve been mixing other things with it, probably mRNA at this point, who knows. Like Brad, that’s just been around so long I never really questioned it, it was just step on a nail>get tetanus shot, just a part of life.

    Although I was told tetanus caused lockjaw. Not sure when or by who, just never thought to question it. We trusted doctors back then.

    Innocent times.

    …now, it seems like doctors uncritically do whatever Government says, and Government says to poison everybody. See what happens when your regulator becomes your paycheck signer?

    Ethics, integrety, honor, dignity, pride in a job well done, even the sacredness of life, all dead, Democrats used money they stole from us to kill them and hump their corpses.

    But weve got no alternative. Barbers dont go in for that any more, so who you gonna see about your heart attack, a vetrinarian?

    With the EPA they captured the air we breathe.

    With Obamacare they took control of the lungs we breathe it with.

    And with abortion and mutanegenic drugs, theyre seeing to it the lungs never develop in the first place, althogh they also developed Covid just in case they do.

    Democrats serve satan.

    And satan says deceive, divide, and destroy.

    As he ever has, and ever will…

  9. I am not getting any shots now. You never know what is being put in them.
    Was given a pneumonia shot once and came down with pneumonia for the first time three weeks later.
    Thought they were trying to kill me.
    I use herbal immune tinctures and Dr. Zev’s protocol of vitamins and minerals for prevention.

  10. My dr is great but her assistant this week was clueless or the system went down because she wanted to give me a tetanus shot and get labs for HepB/C and an AIDS test. What the F? I had those ages ago for a life insurance policy and it’s in their records on MyChart.

    MyChart says I’m due for a RSV shot. Nope. F that! My dr knows I’m super cautious about everything and doesn’t push vaxxes on me.

    I told her that we were thinking of moving. She agrees that Seattle is in a very bad way and possibly forever broken. She had patients who moved to Eastern WA and Idaho and who still keep her as their PCP. She said, no one regrets leaving.

    She might be one of a dozen conservatives in Western WA. I feel blessed to have found her!

  11. FINALLY found a PCP who is skeptical of the slab jab. He kinda lost interest when I refused all shots, told him I no longer believe in pharmaceuticals. Antibiotics and pain meds maybe, but that’s about it.

  12. I was told you can get lock jaw from get cut by rusty metal.
    I think she’s right that it was a different shot before.
    You know, after getting tetanus shots as a kid and then having 3 kids (daughter and twin boys) in 3 yrs, fertility wasn’t a problem.
    Now, no shots.
    Never had a flu shot and definitely not the clot shot.

  13. Back around 1998 I came back from lunch and the company I worked for had a cleavage nurse giving free flu shots, so I got injected. I think that was the only flu shot I’ve taken. About six years later, my brother took a flu shot for his job in a high school library, after which he came down with the Miller-Fisher variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome. He was instructed by his doctor to never go near any vaccine again. His doctor retired in 2019 and his new doctor instructed him in 2020 to take the Pfizer double-tap. Now my brother has “ordinary” form of Guillain-Barre as well, but it’s okay … brother dearest has always been an asshole.

  14. Last tetanus shot I remember receiving has to be over 20 years ago.
    Last flu shot maybe 15 years ago. I’d read something to the effect that TPTB, The Big Brains, The “Experts”, looked at what influenza virus variants had been (past tense) going on around the world. They then did an analysis (best guess by throwing darts) of what flu variant would be prevalent next year.
    At best, they were right 30%. At worst, maybe 10% right for the year.
    Soooo, i just said “no”. So far, so good.
    The only flu I’ve had up to now is a mild (compared to others I’ve read about, poor souls) case of the coof-19 in October 2020, and whatever the next mutation was in January 2022.
    Just letting my body do its natural immunity thing.
    Someday this attitude may catch up to me, and I may die from some disease that The “Experts” say I should have taken Their Recommended Shot against it. Buuuut….at over 70 years old, I’m not too worried. We all gotta go some time. It’s been an interesting life so far.

  15. I’ve step on a nail twice, and both times got a tetanus shot. If I get another puncture wound, I’ll get another.

    I’ve taken the hepatitis-B shots and the shingles vaccine. I got no problem with the standard childhood vaccines for polio, diphtheria, mumps, whooping cough, etc.

    The COVID shots on the other hand are neither safe nor effective.

  16. bad news!!
    I had Tetanus Boosters before. My last one was almost exactly when Covid-19 was “released”
    My lifelong Blood Pressure Systolic is 118 which dropped to below 100 and landed me in the ER, just 2 days later.
    Next day; back in same Doctor’s Office that administered my booster, my systolic was 139 and hasn’t dropped down in 5 years.

    They changed something because this last Tetanus booster destroyed my health. Since then; i’ve had diarrhea or loose stool and my weight has ballooned from 190 to 220 with ZERO difference in lifestyle or diet! It is too late for me. My health is gone 🙁


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