Have you heard? Donald Trump is gonna save America! – IOTW Report

Have you heard? Donald Trump is gonna save America!


Donald Trump makes 2016 White House bid official, vows to save U.S.

Donald Trump ended years of flirtation and jumped into the presidential campaign Tuesday, casting himself as the ultimate maverick and vowing to use his turnaround-artist powers, honed on his own financial resurrection, to rescue the nation from clueless politicians “selling this country down the drain.”

In typical tough talk — an act he has perfected on “The Apprentice,” his reality TV show — he deemed the current crop of leaders in the country “losers” and laid out a series of bumper-sticker solutions, including tapping a Patton-esque leader for the Pentagon, becoming the greatest job-producing president in history and building a border wall to stop illegal immigration.  more

5 Comments on Have you heard? Donald Trump is gonna save America!

  1. Kind of sounds like when B-Rock oBama said he was going to “Fundamentally Transform” (aka FUCK UP) our country. The only difference is I think Trump would FIX it just to spit obmama.

  2. You don’t want Oprah as a Vice President. You would not last very long. People love Oprah and she would be the first black woman president. Trump just has to go away first. He needs a Joe Biden type.

  3. I think Trump would do a great job. Better than 0bama.

    My year old Shorkie pup would do a better job than 0bama, and she eats rabbit poop like it’s caviar.

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