Have You Heard of Mark Robinson? – IOTW Report

Have You Heard of Mark Robinson?

Lieutenant Governor (R-NC)

17 Comments on Have You Heard of Mark Robinson?

  1. It’s a comfort to see patriotic behavior from anyone. IMO, that it’s coming from Another successful black man benefits the People more than an equally successful white guy. I’m not saying it should. Just sayin’..

  2. He started 3 years ago as a regular citizen
    at a town hall talking about 2A rights
    in N.C. Look at him now !!!!! Dude is Frickin’
    on fire!

  3. Have I heard of Mark Robinson? Not only have I heard of him since 2018 when he made that great speech about gun rights;

    https://youtu.be/vZSA7QjVT6A?feature=shared .

    I’ve met him.
    He is now my Lt. Governor (NC) and soon to be Governor (NC) hopefully.

    Mr. Robinson is awesome, a genuine Christian constitutional conservative. A brave truth bearer.

    Bragging rights alert. I’ve been privileged to get two pictures taken with him! He is very gracious and a gentleman. So wonderful meeting him.


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