Have You Noticed Things Are Getting More Grey and Washed Out Looking? – IOTW Report

Have You Noticed Things Are Getting More Grey and Washed Out Looking?

Trend Reader

If you feel like the world seems increasingly colorless, you’re not just imagining it. Take cars, for example. Greyscale colors now make up three quarters of cars produced globally, compared to less than 50% in the past. More

23 Comments on Have You Noticed Things Are Getting More Grey and Washed Out Looking?

  1. When I went shopping for a car several years ago, I knew I wanted a lightly-used Infiniti G37. Their color options were: white, silver, grey, charcoal, black, and a grey-blue that I liked. Since I was buying used it depended upon what was available. Happy with my charcoal car, but would prefer a little color. Previous cars were sky-blue, maroon, dark blue.
    I enjoy seeing the really exotic colors but doubt I would ever buy something too bright.

  2. I remember when you could get greens, yellows, all kinds of colors. Don’t see many red cars any more.
    Most of today’s vehicles look alike.
    All the suv’s and crossovers look alike.
    Unless you see the emblem it can be difficult to know.

    Nice thing about the new Ford Mavericks is they have color choices.

  3. Maybe the oppressive, ubiquitous rainbow flag took all of the joy out of color. And maybe there’s a reason why the classic “NPC” is gray. Nobody wants to stand out and be made to explain their color choices, so everybody uses urban camouflage.

  4. If you want to “blend in” and “stay under the radar”, choose muted colors. They call it “arrested red” for a reason. The last few cars I have bought have been light colors (silver of white) because these are cooler in the summer, show scratches less, and easier to keep clean. That is why I would never own a black car.

  5. I can’t say I’ve noticed the color thing. What I HAVE noticed is the “cartoonization” of pop culture. From Pixar movies to those stupid mascots in commercials. They used to be relegated to Saturday morning cereal commercials. Now I see a silly bladder mascot for incontinence ads for crying out loud!

    Like everything since my divorce, I blame women.

  6. Color NEVER matters to me. Odometer mileage, mechanical condition, ease of maintence, and parts cost/availability are the only things that matter. Color doesn’t pull the boat.

    The reason most recent car colors are drab is probably because 1. People don’t want to stand out from the crowd.
    2. Special colors “might” limit the resale appeal.
    3. Drab colors are cheaper to produce.

  7. Nice point of view I agree with the article and everyone’s comments and add that the days of gloom are upon us.
    Also Jason you are correct we are in the time of the wicked woman, just watch them they want Full control of everything and if they can’t have it then no one will have it.
    Bless you all

  8. Yes, have been noticing! And they are cold grey tones, with hard edges, institutional looking, not warm beige and white neutrals.
    There is a ubiquitous grey on cars that looks like primer. And every new home and flip property has the same grey interior paint and flooring from Lowes.
    Depressing. It’s not even used as a muted backdrop to great art on the walls. It’s just dull.

  9. “RED CARS GO FASTER!!!”….Enzo Ferrari

    I have a 2006 Buick in “Marlin (like the fish) blue”. Theres metal flake in the color so it changes in different light…It also must blend into the natural surroundings because Dove commit suicide to it on a regular basis…

  10. @LittleMorphinAnnie I was gonna say too about the overwhelming amount of grey in home interiors now. I like to Zillow house search for fun and any updated kitchen or bath or new construction is the samey same neutral cool grey.

    Democrat/Pfizer blue for every logo or pop of color and grey for everything else. I blame millennials. Lol

  11. When I was last car shopping, I asked the salesman if they had anything in a color.
    He told me one of the reasons the cars all look alike now is that the used cars sell better – they don’t look “dated” with the obvious color of a previous year. Interesting, but I was sad when I looked out at the lot and it was a sea of greys.

  12. The funny thing about grey is it changes color depending on how the sun hits it. Our living room is called “grey leaf” but depending on the shadows and the intensity of light it looks light blue or light green. Our Subaru is sort of the same, washed-out blue, but sometimes greenish.

    We’ve had grey kayaks for years and their color can shift from white to blue to purple depending on the angle and intensity of sunlight.

  13. Depressive colors. Even the ‘brights’ like orange or yellow are were significantly subdued. The hues are also somehow off in not a cheery way. Interesting wave change in auto colors, it took really quickly. Still, less attractive, depressive.

  14. When I lived in the suburbs of Detroit, the sky was grey, the streets were grey, the buildings were grey, the cars were grey. I started driving with my headlights on all the time to keep from being invisible.


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