Have you sent the president any words of encouragement lately? – IOTW Report

Have you sent the president any words of encouragement lately?

This is a great email-

Just a thought…
Giving President Trump encouragement…( everyone likes a pat on the back.)
I try to send one, sometimes two a day, to him, Kellyanne, Sarah, Melania, etc…..whoever is in the news that day.
IOTW’ers might need a reminder.
I know I needed a reminder.

16 Comments on Have you sent the president any words of encouragement lately?

  1. Yes, sent one yesterday (online contact) and placed a shortcut to that contact-form website on my desktop for ease of regular reuse. I like the postcard idea too…..remember when CTH sponsored a post-card campaign to encourage DJT during the election? Maybe I’ll “go get me a postcard”.

  2. …I’ve sent messages on the official White House server to him a few times. I’ve found it won’t take them from my Gmail account, so i have to use a different one, but I have gotten generic responses before, so I at least know they got them.

    I have also invited him to come visit my company when he’s in Ohio on two different occasions, ONE time when he was visiting a company that was just BLOCKS away…and he didn’t stop over, even when I sent him a map showing the way from THAT company to THIS one.

    My feewings were hurt/s

    (I’m kidding. I DID invite him over, no lie there, and he was THAT close, but I did NOT expect him to come. Would have been neat if he HAD, tho…)

    Anyway, I love the guy and it’s good to tell him sometimes, so I’ll go do that again NOW…and God Bless Donald Trump, whether he answers my messages or NOT.

  3. Just sent encouragement in. We have a Coast Guard Air Station where I am at and some small boat stations up the coast. The community is giving food, free theater passes and many dinners are having them bring the family in for free.
    Let the shutdown go on. I’m heading our for vacation and I don’t need TSA feeling me up. What have they done to stop anything.
    I need to make this a link and send these messages often. I don’t believe the polls and never watch the news on TV. Even Fox is turned off at my house.


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