Haven’t had an open thread in awhile – IOTW Report

Haven’t had an open thread in awhile

anything goes….

108 Comments on Haven’t had an open thread in awhile

  1. This site use to have some of the most sarcastic-Dem humiliating memes and content on the web. Now it is more boring than visiting my grandma’s nursing home. What happened??

  2. What happened???
    Well, CONSERVATIVES steal my art over and over and over and over and over and over and over and I implored these fucktards to stop stealing it, stripping my credits off, and putting their own on it.

    I became sick and tired of seeing my art on other sites, sometimes going viral with someone else’s name on it.
    Try doing that for ten years…. get back to me.

  3. I should do a post of all of my art which now has other assholes names on it. Assholes that are revered in the conservative community.
    Like those fucking talentless fucking assholes over at XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX.
    You know what?
    I’m not going to name names.

  4. Has anyone noticed that most people now answer questions by starting off their answer with the word, “So”? I started noticing it a few years ago and it has gotten more and more common. It used to be mostly younger people and now it seems it has become common with everyone. Watch any TV interview and you will notice that more often than not, the person will start their answer with the word “So”. To me, it’s a sign that the person has rehearsed their response in advance or is merely repeating what they memorized or were told to say. This is a fairly recent thing. It is very pervasive now. It seems weird to me.

  5. “I should do a post of all of my art which now has other assholes names on it. Assholes that are revered in the conservative community.
    Like those fucking talentless fucking assholes over at __________.”

    DO. IT. I want names! 🖕🤬🖕

    Naaa – bfh

  6. I will never understand why there are so many “Anonymous” posters here when you can use any name you want. I understand when it is accidental but usually that person owns up to it later in the thread.

  7. A few things I am SICK of hearing or seeing.

    1. COVID (virus, vaccine, etc.)
    2. New normal
    3. Social distancing
    4. MASKS!
    5. We are in this together
    6. “an” instead of “and”
    7. It is what it is
    8. Baby bump, preggers, preggo
    9. Cray cray
    10. When to use: Their, they’re, there
    11. I mean… and Know what I’m sayn?
    12. The word LIKE
    13. Selfie
    14. Combining names: Branjelina, etc.
    15. ANYTHING the democrats have to say

    Come on, guys! Give me your best shot!

  8. I do miss the excitement of the first Trump campaign. So much creative, funny stuff was pumped out. I’d either be howling with laughter or a little bemused trying to figure out the significance of Pepe the Frog, centipedes, etc.

    I saw the word “based” used at a couple of sites recently, in an effort (I assume) to re-create the magic of the first campaign and honestly, it really kind of fell flat. Especially since some of the readers had no idea what it meant and had to have it explained to them.

  9. “Has anyone noticed that most people now answer questions by starting off their answer with the word, “So”? I started noticing it a few years ago and it has gotten more and more common.”

    So? 😀

  10. Anonymous, for the most part we are all anonymous. What “chaps so many asses” is that there are multiple anonymouses, so you guys haven’t created a known identity that we can communicate to effectively. Just imagine the was half a dozen or more, joe6pak’s. One of us could be a real horses ass, and another is a great guy. But you would never know who is who.

  11. I hate the word “woke.”

    I don’t want America to be “woke.”

    “Woke” means cancel culture.

    “Woke” means adherence to Marxism.

    “Woke” means denying biology.

    “Woke” is what you get when the lowest-common-denominator is the maximum level permitted.

  12. @Margot – I just finished reading Jerzy Kasinski’s The Painted Bird. Excellent story but extremely brutal. Not sure I am up for watching the movie.

    On a separate note, I may need to change my name soon as I am leaving the Left Coast for Colorado.

  13. My sister’s family, her hubby’s dad and brother have officially started plans to get the fuck out of California. FINALLY!!!
    (sister’s family is Conservative. Her hubby’s dad is kennedy democrat, the brother is ice skating towards Conservatism. (hockey fan) lol)

  14. @CCNV-
    Joe biden says the covid is the new normal and masks are here to stay. We are in this together an it is what it is. Like, if you wouldn’t act like a cray cray preggers person or one of those TrumPence people, you would know there the problem, know what I’m sayn? Just relax, take selfie or three in your backyard and enjoy social distancing away from democrats.

    I think I got them all. 😉 Don’t shoot, I’m only teasing.

  15. @woody – I will add two more things to your list:
    woke means white men are to blame for everything
    woke means that conservative ideals are wrong

    As an extra, woke means that you can verbally abuse anybody in the name of being woke

  16. @CCNV
    Any statement or ad by a Dem or company of a lefty stripe that says,” we will use Science to determine…” “ Science based” “the use of Science based facts.”

    It’s just a dig at the right stemming from not buying into global warming- so the Left applies it to everything now with a wink and a nod, “science” means the right are Neanderthals.

  17. “I just finished reading Jerzy Kasinski’s The Painted Bird. Excellent story but extremely brutal.”

    Thank you, Left Coast Dan. I will check it out. Best of luck on your move to CO.

  18. Gender Reveal,Brides with Baby Bumps,having all the Weddings traditions.
    Anything coming out of Ilhan Omers or Ratsheeda Talibs Mouth.
    BLM-Antifa. (Delta and Khols have signed up with BLM)
    It’s enough to make ya cry.

  19. Just got my latest puzzle (I love puzzles) – the Rune Box from Kagen Sound. If you enjoy that type of thing, I cannot recommend his creations more.
    It is a moving block puzzle. It comes is an easy configuration that six moves will open, but you can reconfigure it to have up to 115 moves. So far, I have gotten through the 25 move option, and can easily see myself losing the next month or two going through the higher levels.

  20. Karen said:

    “This site use to have some of the most sarcastic-Dem humiliating memes and content on the web. Now it is more boring than visiting my grandma’s nursing home. What happened??”

    We’re all in your grandma’s nursing home.

    Personally, my excuse is that where I live, I’ve been smoked to death by forest fires and have resorted to killer mirrors (Democrat killing mirrors… with real puffing smoke).

  21. There are words that sound like the action they name. There is a word for words like that, but I don’t know/can’t remember it.

    One that I like is the word excavate. To me, it sounds like a shovel digging in gravelly soil.

    Excavate – think it and say it out loud and let me know if you agree.

  22. COVEFEFE Act of 2017 – No, I am not shitting you…HR#2884:


    @MJA – it was ‘based’ stick man, always remember the BASED part. I think he spent a couple of years in the can. Not sure his where abouts are now, but I do wonder from time to time about that guy, a LOT of this all started with the Battle of Berkley…I did a mini sculpture of him and it’s in my studio.

    How about Major Nidal Hasan??? What about that Moslem murderer??

    @BFH -sue the prick, I don’t care even IF it is what’s his name…

    @Joe6pak – super correct!

  23. I got a lot of pushback from my conservative friends about moving to liberal-ish CO instead of elsewhere. I plan to visit my parents a couple of times a month though (plus my church and scout kids & friends) so I needed something fairly close to CA. Good chance I will end up on the Right Coast in a couple of years, Carolinas.

  24. Ed: I have a Frankenstein-Esquire. The neck is an original Fender from 1953 but the body is apparently aftermarket. It also had two Pickens which the earlyEsquires did not. I had to replace one of the pickups as it had some internal shorts making the level regally low.

    Now if I only learned how to play….

  25. “I’m tired of people using the word “amazing”. Until now it hasn’t been used in this thread which is one of the many reasons I love IOTWreport.”

    That’s amazing. 😀

    My personal beef is the use of the word “hilarious” when something really isn’t all that funny.

  26. And lets analyze the LOLOLOLOL’s. Every time I see more than one LOL (“LOLOL”…), I start to make gagging sounds. MJA uses lots of LOLOL’s and even though I usually laugh at what she wrote, trying to imagine her laughing, I still end up in a simulated gag. So, I have a request: MJA shall provide a sound track of her LOL’ing – and it should be a push button on the site that will play anytime you click it. Now, that’s something new! Audio content!

  27. I can’t stand the word adorable. It is vastly overused. Every time I see a picture of any kind of baby, human or animal on the internet someone calls it adorable.

    I’m convinced it’s mostly a fag word.

  28. I am tired of play-by-play announcers saying “Are you kidding me?” And while I like that pbp folks to be enthusiastic, many of them sound like they are going to have coronaries if they keep it up.

    I also like them to be neutral. I like watching sports videos on YouTube. Without even looking I can always tell who the pbp guys work for by how bent out of shape they get by calls by the ump. Also, if their team is so good then why don’t they dominate everyone else?

  29. I’m tired of The Brownshirts
    I’m tired of The Mask Nazi’s
    I’m tired of Nasty Nancy
    I’m tired of Chuck the Schmuck
    I’m tired of Commie Pinkos
    I’m tired of Government in my face
    I’m tired of George Soros
    I’m tired of waiting for people to go to jail ( we know who these people are)
    I’m tired of the Fake News
    I’m tired of the Lockdowns
    I’m tired of the House Arrest
    Enough already, I’m just tired of being tired. 🥱

  30. Interesting articles from 2 artsy publications and 1 business site that I keep meaning to post in the Bullpen, but been terribly distracted lately so, dumping it here now because you said I could, and because, when read together, it gets really swampy…

    This, on the expiration of tax exemption for importing Chinese artworks:
    > My takeaway: Trump knows the art market -especially the international contemporary art market- is mostly money laundering and tax evasion; dealers and collectors are desperate for a Biden win.

    This, on a trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in NY, his $2billion fortune, and his ties to Jeffrey Epstein –including being married to Epstein’s ex-girlfriend.
    > My takaway: It’s not just in Hollywood; some of the arbiters and financiers of NY high culture are pretty sick people.

    And finally, this, on the financial entanglements of said billionaire MoMA trustee, his family, and Epstein:
    > My takeaway: The former Miss Sweden was more than a ‘girlfriend’; 11 years together is more like a commonlaw wife –or an accomplice. And what’s with the meeting with a racist geneticist?

    The art market, like professional sports, is not an innocent diversion from our drab little lives; they are both big business which attract a lot of corrupt people and hide a lot of intrigue and insider trading and worse.

  31. I’m tired of being subjected to some greasy faced, Bruce Jenner lookalike telling me she is “following the data”.
    This useless idiot with the IMAX forehead has really been f@cking over the citizens of MI.

  32. I suggest you all do SOME kind of prepping in WHATEVER way you can. Buy a can of this and that when you do casual shopping and develop a pantry of some type, stock water, and other cooking and hygenic needs and basics.

    IF anything this Whuflu shutdown should have TAUGHT US something, so learn from it.

    An effing RUN on TOILET PAPER!? When did YOU expect THAT ONE in your entire life? It WAS a joke at the time. NOW this ain’t no joke…

    Congrats to @LCD…to be renamed at a later date…maybe SCD?

  33. Fur, you’re just lazy. That’s all this is. EVERYONE gets their artcrap stolen.

    You just wanna’ sit there in your Miami condo doin’ blow and smackin’ some tight Cuban ass.

    ….. damn….. that actually sounds kinda’ cool….

    No, no… the point is this place needs some graphics. So get off your lazy Cuban ass smackin’ ….ass, and make some.

    EDITORS NOTE: yeah, I know none of you think basic psychology will work on Fur, but I’m here to tell you I once got an avowed Libertarian to mail me a box of home made cookies and treats simply because I said Libertarians couldn’t bake.

  34. You people are worthless. We need a Furtervention.

    Dude hasn’t even posted a pic of a giant snow dick in the back of a pickup….in YEARS.

    Plus….he lost all of MY artcrap that I was quite happy to get stolen and spread all around the web. Because it’s the message that matters….something something….blah blah blah…

    Just get back to work, STUART.


  35. ghost – Wouldn’t you know it? Today I saw TP and paper towels overflowing in an aisle at the grocery store. lol.
    Since I was young, my family always stocked up on water and olive oil (back in the day it was in barrels. Don’t ask. long story. lol)And even now we all keep water stashed everywhere. Habits. haha

  36. Typical artist…

    Look man, put down the Cuban ass. Just for a minute. Think about it K̶y̶l̶e̶… I mean Fur.

    Are you not making artcrap because you’re in your safe space? Must be nice sittin’ on a Miami beach paintin’ pictures of puppies. No one hurts your feelings when you’re paintin’ puppies on the beach at sunset.


    Mean old world got you down K̶y̶l̶e̶?

    I don’t know about you, but there are plenty of Jewish heroes who get tough when the going gets tough. Moses………… probably some NBA owner…..

    Look, it’s not my place to remind you of your proud Jewish heritage, K̶y̶l̶e̶…Fur. All I know is Jews aren’t supposed to take any bull crap from art stealing goyim and their Communist Chinese lackeys.

    If you can’t do it for your proud Jewish faith…. do it for America. The world needs more people like you K̶y̶l̶e̶.

    The world needs….. more artcrap.

  37. What We need is a Contest….Say perhaps, You could hack into any dnc convention.

    …and change the intro Music for any Speaker? For instance…

    Hillary : Lady Evil by black Sabbath (There’s a Lady out there that feeds the

    darkness, It eats right from Her Hand”)

    0webama : “it’s raining Men”

    Mooch: “LOLA”

  38. Another overused word is “perfect.

    Say you’re providing information to someone that wants to check your identity, and you tell him/her the name of your first pet or your 2nd grade teacher’s name, so you tell them and they check it against your profile and if it gibes with that he/she gives you a cheery “perfect”.

  39. You may talk o’ gin and beer
    When you’re quartered safe out ’ere,
    An’ you’re sent to penny-fights an’ Aldershot it;
    But when it comes to slaughter
    You will do your work on water,
    An’ you’ll lick the bloomin’ boots of ’im that’s got it.
    Now in Injia’s sunny clime,
    Where I used to spend my time
    A-servin’ of ’Er Majesty the Queen,
    Of all them blackfaced crew
    The finest man I knew
    Was our regimental bhisti, Gunga Din,
    He was ‘Din! Din! Din!
    ‘You limpin’ lump o’ brick-dust, Gunga Din!
    ‘Hi! Slippy hitherao
    ‘Water, get it! Panee lao,
    ‘You squidgy-nosed old idol, Gunga Din.’

    The uniform ’e wore
    Was nothin’ much before,
    An’ rather less than ’arf o’ that be’ind,
    For a piece o’ twisty rag
    An’ a goatskin water-bag
    Was all the field-equipment ’e could find.
    When the sweatin’ troop-train lay
    In a sidin’ through the day,
    Where the ’eat would make your bloomin’ eyebrows crawl,
    We shouted ‘Harry By!’
    Till our throats were bricky-dry,
    Then we wopped ’im ’cause ’e couldn’t serve us all.
    It was ‘Din! Din! Din!
    ‘You ’eathen, where the mischief ’ave you been?
    ‘You put some juldee in it
    ‘Or I’ll marrow you this minute
    ‘If you don’t fill up my helmet, Gunga Din!’

    ’E would dot an’ carry one
    Till the longest day was done;
    An’ ’e didn’t seem to know the use o’ fear.
    If we charged or broke or cut,
    You could bet your bloomin’ nut,
    ’E’d be waitin’ fifty paces right flank rear.
    With ’is mussick on ’is back,
    ’E would skip with our attack,
    An’ watch us till the bugles made ‘Retire,’
    An’ for all ’is dirty ’ide
    ’E was white, clear white, inside
    When ’e went to tend the wounded under fire!
    It was ‘Din! Din! Din!’
    With the bullets kickin’ dust-spots on the green.
    When the cartridges ran out,
    You could hear the front-ranks shout,
    ‘Hi! ammunition-mules an’ Gunga Din!’

    I shan’t forgit the night
    When I dropped be’ind the fight
    With a bullet where my belt-plate should ’a’ been.
    I was chokin’ mad with thirst,
    An’ the man that spied me first
    Was our good old grinnin’, gruntin’ Gunga Din.
    ’E lifted up my ’ead,
    An’ he plugged me where I bled,
    An’ ’e guv me ’arf-a-pint o’ water green.
    It was crawlin’ and it stunk,
    But of all the drinks I’ve drunk,
    I’m gratefullest to one from Gunga Din.
    It was ‘Din! Din! Din!
    ‘’Ere’s a beggar with a bullet through ’is spleen;
    ‘’E’s chawin’ up the ground,
    ‘An’ ’e’s kickin’ all around:
    ‘For Gawd’s sake git the water, Gunga Din!’

    ’E carried me away
    To where a dooli lay,
    An’ a bullet come an’ drilled the beggar clean.
    ’E put me safe inside,
    An’ just before ’e died,
    ‘I ’ope you liked your drink,’ sez Gunga Din.
    So I’ll meet ’im later on
    At the place where ’e is gone—
    Where it’s always double drill and no canteen.
    ’E’ll be squattin’ on the coals
    Givin’ drink to poor damned souls,
    An’ I’ll get a swig in hell from Gunga Din!
    Yes, Din! Din! Din!
    You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din!
    Though I’ve belted you and flayed you,
    By the livin’ Gawd that made you,
    You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

    Kipling, Gunga Din

  40. Left Coast Dan SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 AT 3:22 PM
    “Left Coast Immigrant Dan”

    flip SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 AT 3:41 PM
    My detached garage could use a coat or two…

    Larry’s Brother SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 AT 6:11 PM
    So, when did Anonymouses start asking questions?

    It’s spelled Anymouse damn it!

    Bobcat SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 AT 6:51 PM
    You’re buying ammo from WHERE?

    Okay, Mr. Big you can close the thread now

  41. Alright K̶y̶l̶e̶, you win. I admit it. This is all my fault. It was my idea for you to move. Remember? You were losing your damn mind about all the snow where you lived and I talked you into moving.

    But none of us figured you would move to Florida. Florida. Where it’s fuggin’ sweet and awesome and warm all the time. It’s….. it’s taken away your creative angst.

    Believe me K̶y̶l̶e̶, I know. I moved from S.F. to Titmouse Arizona. And you know what? It’s fuggin’ awesome. But that awesomeness comes at a price. You can’t live someplace awesome and have angst, That’s the deal. You just wake up one day and all the things that pissed you off aren’t there anymore…..it’s over.

    Pretty soon you’re thinking “screw those guys, I don’t have to make artcrap, I’m happy.”

    That’s been the death of many an artist K̶y̶l̶e̶. Everyone knows artists need something that pisses them off constantly or they’re not actual artists anymore.

    If you’re not careful you could wind up on a Miami beach painting puppies at sunset.

    That’s just wrong. It’s not artcrap and you know it.

    So find something K̶y̶l̶e̶. Maybe it’s crappy Florida drivers. Maybe it’s it’s substandard Cuban maids. But find something that pisses you off and work with it.

    Your entire future may depend on it.

    Go with Christ my friend….. Go with Christ.

  42. “I’m Big Fur Hat and I have insomnia, blah blah blah.”

    Dudes passed out in a Tony Montana sized bubble bath. He sleeps like all of his tribe do.

    Wrapped around a fat sack of gold. G*ddammit K̶y̶l̶e̶, wake up and smell the potential!

    I dunno’ you guys, he’s pretty far gone. I’m gonna’ go have some pie.


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