Hawaii looks to mainland to deal with big teacher shortage – IOTW Report

Hawaii looks to mainland to deal with big teacher shortage

Gosh, I wonder why!?


[…] Even if the state can successfully recruit enough people, officials say retaining those teachers could present a challenge. Newly recruited teachers are often placed in rural schools, where there is more of a need, and have to face the state’s high cost of living.


SNIP: Why don’t they ask for 0bama’s help when he’s done presidenting? He’s super smart, you guys. He’ll community organize that place into shape just like he did for Chicago!

15 Comments on Hawaii looks to mainland to deal with big teacher shortage

  1. Simple solution: It’s Hawaii! just pay the best retiring teachers from the mainland to move out there, teach, receive a housing stipend and small salary to make up for the added cost of living on top of their pension from their prior mainland job.

    That is not much. Just a marketing campaign is needed, dopes!

  2. Democrat hot bed. Hugely expensive. Crime so bad they have to hide the numbers. Homeless are peeing, puking, and begging on the streets everywhere. EXTREME racism. You’re not going anywhere unless you’re a native, Pacific Islander, or Japanese. Very frustrating to watch them chill and progress while well educated non native whites work their fingers to the bone and stay where they are. They want stupid? Fine. They got it.

  3. The only people who get ahead are the homeless. Tents are everywhere, no reason to work because the weather is great, plenty of tourist to give you money, why would a teacher go there and teach? You can’t afford a house, so just get a tent, that works.

  4. Waikiki Beach area one of the worst for homeless. Many tourists pulled over for DWW….driving while white. Visit once to get it off your bucket list, then find somewhere else to spend your time off.

  5. Hawaii is a craphole full of uppity natives, who having gotten roads and electricity, which is what they wanted when they voted 97% for statehood, now want Whitey to go away.
    I will never return until I can afford litter bearers and guards to club and boot my way through the native populous

  6. @Justin Case: You’re right about fat people in Hawaii. Look up this guy – unfortunately he’s dead. Most of the natives I’ve seen in Hawaii are obese. Go to the hotels on Maui and it’s full of tourists – lots of Canadians and Australians – who are thin, they’re just tourists.

    Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

  7. ” Why don’t they ask for 0bama’s help when he’s done presidenting? He’s super smart, you guys. He’ll community organize that place into shape just like he did for Chicago! ”

    Nice writing, Miss Angelpants – Bwahahaha

  8. why? as soon as they import all the mainlanders the dumb-assed natives will bitch about all the Haole teachers

    … & we’d be glad to give them back Obama

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