Hawaii: Man Stops and Kills Mass Shooter ( Is Promptly Arrested for Murder) – IOTW Report

Hawaii: Man Stops and Kills Mass Shooter ( Is Promptly Arrested for Murder)

Red State-

The police chief of Honolulu was happy to announce that it didn’t matter if you have “license” to carry a gun and you are defending yourself and, in fact, stop a mass shooting on your own property you will be arrested for murder. A few days ago the following happened:  

17 Comments on Hawaii: Man Stops and Kills Mass Shooter ( Is Promptly Arrested for Murder)

  1. Someone asked on Quora why 90% of self-defense shootings occur in states with “Stand Your Ground” laws.

    This is why. Some state governments think is is a far, far better thing to be murdered than to take out the bad guy.

  2. I’ve heard from too many people, including a pair of native Hawaiians, that the place sucks. Sure, there are beautiful spots, but the non-tourist people there fall into just a few categories: (a) those who try to screw the tourists out of every dollar they can legally, (b) those who try to screw the tourists out of every dollar they can illegally, and those who hate your guts and want nothing to do with you and for you to go away and never come back.

    I can find Spam and pineapple just fine in my own mainland grocery store, and plumeria now grows in the wild around where I live.

    Oh, yeah. Are you going to arrest your own cops if they shoot anybody?

  3. The people who support a government that arrests those defending theirs or others life’s and argue the point have the intellect of a shoe!
    Or perhaps they did not get enough oxygen as a fetus.

  4. We love the hell out of Maui. We go there every chance we get. This idiot cops beliefs do not reflect the beliefs of the majority on Hawaiians. They are pissed off about this clown.

  5. I think Sheriff Grady Judd would have a slightly different opinion of this situation…
    FTA: “Logan seems like a man high on his own fumes”
    That’s what happens when you have the personality of a Baked Bean Sandwich!

  6. I’ve never been the kind of traveler who gets a kick out of communing with the so-called aboriginal people. People are people, and it objectifies others to think of them or treat them as novelty. We used to go to Maui at least once a year and it is the perfect place to chill; paradise, really. But about 30 years ago there was the faint drumbeat of kakou (native) versus haole (european). Up until then, there was nothing offensive in being referred to as haole, because that was a fact. But this new emphasis on haole as a pejorative was unexpected and mean-spirited. But the trend was also something being ginned-up by early SJWs who were probably the vanguard of all things SJ. We saw it happening in Hawaii, and then spread around to every so-called “native” community. There was a strong redolence of “Black Pride” about it — a preening arrogance about being more attuned to “the land” and other nonsense. Just like the other “minority communities” who start howling about white oppression, it is rooted in racial bigotry towards people who don’t look like them.

    I adore the Hawaiian islands, and I know these haole-bashing idiots are a small minority, but you had to know that Blue Hawaii would eventually become blue Hawaii.

  7. I DON’T give-a-fuck where you are from, where you are going or just WHO may be the dumb-shit that has misled you all your life.
    STOP letting the liberal, commie, America-hating politicians tell you how to think.
    Grow a fucking pair and claim your individual status.


  8. AA
    We saw that on Oahu. About the same time frame. It was the Samoans starting the trouble. It got so bad that the Resort at Turtle Bay had signs out advising tourists not to go to the night clubs. We’ve never seen it on Maui. We were there pretty soon after the fire. They burned down my favorite damn town. Anyway right after the fire the Libtards are pleading for people to stay away from Maui. I wonder if they ever checked to see how those people make money there. We were thanked by every resident we ran into for showing up. At the time I think the resorts occupancy was down to about 20%. Wailea is the coolest place on earth for me and the wife.

  9. AbigaleAdams
    What you said, girl. Been there twice as a SAILOR(caps intended) 40 years ago. Wasn’t too bad then. Took my wife in 2014. Maui and Oahu. Won’t ever go again. It was obvious that they’d just soon we not be there. I say I’d rather shoot my forhead full of staples before I’d go back.

  10. I was stationed there 88-92 on Scofield Barracks with the 25th Dimension (Infantry Division).
    Good times, bad times, no big hu-hu. Yeah, there were stories about Islanders, etc.
    The wife & I finally went back this year to Honolulu for a two week vacay. Expensive, but otherwise pleasant and friendly.
    But heard then, and this is another data point to add, that Hawaii has become increasingly gun control rabid. And this po-po chief ain’t helping.
    Sooooo, with that attitude in mind;
    -Don’t want to live by basic US Constitution laws? Give Hawaii BACK to the Hawaiians
    -Make it NOT part of the 50 US states.
    -Keep the military bases part of US territory, but separate from the Islands (like Guantanamo is US, but not part of Cuba). Restrict all military to on-base.
    -Want to visit the “exotic” foreign Islands of Hawaii? Get a passport and a visa stamp.
    -Put a heavy tariff on all Hawaii exports to the Mainland; fish, pineapple, cane sugar, beef, etc.
    -Put a heavy tariff on all imports TO the Hawaiian islands. And they import a LOT in order to sustain themselves. Including all petroleum products, gasoline and oil. Uh-oh.

    Hawaii depends heavily on tourism for its economy.
    Cut that off at the knees and see how quickly the economy collapses and the “friendly” islands become a third world shithole (they’re already halfway there, too many native islanders already live below the poverty line)


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