KUALOA RANCH, OAHU (HawaiiNewsNow) –
An Oahu man is suddenly attacked by a cow during an intense obstacle course race in Kaneohe, and it’s caught all on camera.
“There was a bunch of cows off to the left and I was going to run by them,” said Matthew Kievlan. “One of the largest ones broke free and charged me.”
Kievlan said he had just passed the second obstacle course in the Spartan race at Kualoa Ranch. He was almost to the finish line when the attack happened.
“I remember the thought going through my head, question mark, is this it?” he said. READ MORE
Now that the cow has found out it can successfully attack humans, it will have to be put down. Bummer… Hey, wait! Do I smell grilling steaks?
Bitch had it coming dressing all sexy like that.
Maybe that comment was supposed to be under a Clinton thread. I apologize.
Did that farmer have a lethal cow license?
Dis-cow America, cows kill.
Did she say he was “udderly disappointed he didn’t finish the race” or “utterly”? I’m hoping she meant to be punny!
The cow, being Hawaiian, probably yelled, “locals only, bra!” at the runner.
@VietVet, your turn. I know you will come up with something!
It’s a scary black military style assault cow.
The guy was in his way. She ain’t cow towing to NO one.
that cow got past the cattle guard?
cow rage. Black cows matter.
If contestants keep getting attacked, they’ll have to beef up security.
It behooves us nheifer to ungulestimate the power of the poken herd.
I hate to see people play with their food.
I bet that guy got some prescription Mootrin after that encounter.
That happens every December at the shave ice stand in Kailua.
Near that cave?
I worked on a dairy farm as a kid.
City folk are just plain stupid.
Never assume domesticated animals are harmless.
Most times cows are docile, but even then they are extremely strong and don’t know their own strength and mass. Get caught between a cow and a wall and you can get crushed and the cow won’t even notice.
Surprise a cow herd, like this dumbass did, and anything can happen. One can charge, or the entire herd can panic.
He could have been crushed in a stampede.
Saw the same thing happen when someone cut in front of Moochelle at the buffet table