Hayden Williams’ Attacker Is a Real Piece of Work – IOTW Report

Hayden Williams’ Attacker Is a Real Piece of Work

The guy is a moronic angry wrecking ball. In short, a typical violent lefty.

11 Comments on Hayden Williams’ Attacker Is a Real Piece of Work

  1. He should be sued into oblivion, leaving him no more than subsistence income for the rest of his life till the judgment is paid off.

    A judgment debt for injuries resulting from deliberate criminal action is hard to get discharged by bankruptcy and any attempt at bankruptcy to discharge it will be easily contested.

  2. I’m still trying to understand how that guy with the bicycle lock ducked serious jail time for his terrible attacks.

    UC/Berkeley should be very worried about being an accessory to these crimes by harboring (and, thereby, encouraging) people who are prone to violence. If I was a lawyer, I’d have a little fun attacking the college for their obvious lack of “Safe Spaces.”

  3. One issue that many colleges have are guys like this, “hangers on” who aren’t students but they just like to hang out on campus. In the library, student centers, and cafeterias, mostly. Often more unbalanced and looney than the students and faculty.

  4. RickeyG, remember when “Townies” were the working class white guys who couldn’t afford the local college? Now they’re the thugs from the local projects and white hippie dropouts in local “college” bands.

  5. Is he a rich kid or have Tom Steyer or George Soros agreed to pay his legal fees?
    After all, he’s one of their foot soldiers that are attacking conservative groups. It will be interesting to watch.
    Can the prosecutor inquire about the source of his funding as the victim clearly has the upper hand.


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