HBO Developing ASSISTED SUICIDE Comedy – IOTW Report


Aptly titled “Exit Plans”…    Sartre would have approved.
 Deadline Hollywood describes the show currently in development:
Written, starring and executive produced by Simons, Exit Plans centers around assisted suicide.When assisted suicide is legalized in 2019, a man from California opens a small business helping people transition into death peacefully while struggling to keep ahold of his crumbling personal life. In short, he’s trying to figure out his life while ending yours...
more at lifenews
h/t you’ll die laughing!

17 Comments on HBO Developing ASSISTED SUICIDE Comedy

  1. Written, starring and executive produced by Timothy Simons (Veep).
    Makes sense, like VEEP could never just off it’s self now here’s this.
    Ooh that’s right, only happens to other people not named Clinton or the nepotistic-ally untalented employed by HBO share holders to keep relatives out of living in their basements.

  2. …also, we basically DO have assisted suicide in all 50 states, we just don’t CALL it that.

    We call it “hospice care”.

    I’ve seen several people opt for this in both home and hospice building settings, but it’s always the same.

    First, your doctor, your family, your insurance company, and (rarely) you decide that it’s too expensive for you to fight for your life any more. If you resist, everyone will tell you that you’ll die poor and in pain because ain’t no one gonna pay for your sorry azz.

    Then, you get “pallative care”, i.e. morphine, administered by a disinterested, low-level medical type. This is only paid for a very limited time as well.

    THEN, they up the dose until you’re out of it.

    THEN, as the period that the low-level person is paid for (and the room, if you’re using their building) is about to expire, the medical flunky tells whoever’s in the room to “call the family together, because Dad (always impersonal) will go any time now”.

    Whoever gets there, gets there.

    As quitting time approaches, the stooge looks at (usually) her watch and says, “Dad looks like he might be in pain, so I’ll increase the pain medicine a little”. You, the “patient” were bombed into a stupor awhile ago (see above), so YOUR opinion or pain assessment no longer matters.

    The morphine is actually a respiratory depressant, which your Dr. Mengele for the evening knows full well, and she will continue to see pain and up the dose until it depresses all the way.

    You signed a Do Not Resucitate (DNR) going into this charnel house, so no more breathing for YOU. Yes, DNRs are rescindable BY THE PATIENT at any time, but since they knocked you out DAYS ago, THAT ain’t happening.

    …so, you go bye bye, they let everyone weep for about 5 minutes, then tell everyone to leave so they can move your still twitching body to the hearse, which they already cued up since they knew when they were going to kill you anyway.

    They need the room.

    Your family pays the bills, your needler goes to clock out and get her drunk on, and the Goverment gets to cut off your benefits and start to count you as a reliable Democrat vote.

    But DON’T call it “assisted suicide”. And, that’s KIND of fair.

    Because its actually closer to murder.

    Only Hollywood could see the humor in this…

  3. “The hilarity ensues at an abortion clinic so customers can have a one stop shop for all their euthanasia needs. Critics are calling it the seasons deep sleeper hit!”

    …they don’t get as much for parts off us oldsters, @ginblossom – more like BMW money than Lamborghini – but yes, the hospice WILL try VERY HARD to get your family to let them part you out, I’m sure for PURELY altruistic reasons/s…

  4. …toss away, .45-70, but I was a medic for a long time, and I have seen many friends and family members pass besides, so I know whereof I speak regardless of how YOU feel about it…

    …and no, it does NOT make me feel “Better”… I would GREATLY prefer to believe the medical profession actually HELPED people in the end-of-life scenarios, but I have seen too much to have this be anything but willful ignorance to believe so NOW…

  5. Supernightshade DECEMBER 20, 2018 AT 9:20 AM

    .45-70 DECEMBER 20, 2018 AT 9:17 AM

    Is it possible for both of you to be correct in that I’ve watched five close family go out without the “morphine kill,” one where I was administering the morphine and he eliminated the Factor Eight causing a esophageal hemorrhage (hemophilia). That said I have witnessed exactly what Supernightshade described with the hospice care for friends. Only thing was I described what was going to happen to them exactly as Supernightshade described. They accepted it with the knowledge going in. Getting old ain’t a fun ride at a theme park. So call it whatever you like. Assisted suicide that perhaps shortens things by months or weeks… But should be explained honestly to whoever is checking out.

  6. How about a segment where Rosie O’Donnell sets herself on fire. Don’t even need gasoline. She eats nothing but beans and cabbage non-stop for 3 days, waits for the appropriate, smelly moment, then she lights a match near her butt. Instant immoliation.

    Need a fire crew handy though. Burning fat can spread on the floor and potentially burn down the entire set.

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