HBO’s John Oliver Raises Stink Over Sewer Plant Named In His Honor – IOTW Report

HBO’s John Oliver Raises Stink Over Sewer Plant Named In His Honor


Officials from the town of Danbury, Connecticut, drew a furious reaction from John Oliver for naming their sewage plant “The John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant” after the late-night comedian ripped on the town for alleged racial disparities in its jury selection process. More

22 Comments on HBO’s John Oliver Raises Stink Over Sewer Plant Named In His Honor

  1. Fuck John Oliver. When his show first came on it was pretty funny and he was an equal opportunity satirist however after the first season he started going left and he’s a shill for the Dems and has a strange hatred of Trump. Being named after a sewer treatment plant is fitting and likely the best he’ll ever get.

  2. Y’all are missing an important part of this story. The new name is “The John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant” and not the “The John Oliver Commemorative Sewer Plant”. You call something a memorial after somebody who’s dead. Does Mayor Boughton have some plans he’s not talking about?

  3. “The Cambridge-educated Oliver“ lolol where do we find these journos?

    Billy Fuster, you’re right. They need to be more specific.

    How about, “The Cambridge-Educated John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant”.

    And Uncle Al, maybe the mayor was referring to the tragic death of Oliver’s sense of humor.

  4. Class act, isn’t he. Never heard of him before now. He can dish it but he can’t take it, can he. Typical libtard – thin-skinned and thick-headed.

    I’d say he’s worthy of another commemorative. Maybe put his name and face on all the city residential trash receptacles. Residents remember to have your John Olivers out on the street before 6:00 AM on your designated pickup day.

  5. John Oliver’s Theme Song.

    “Memories stank the corners of my mind
    Misty sludge-colored memories of the way we were
    Scattered pictures of the turds we left behind
    Turds we smeared on one another for the way we were.”

    I never heard of him – but fuck him, anyway!

    As a retired plumber, I heaved a deep sigh at the thought of having a Sewage Treatment Facility named after me. Ahh well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. And if you think about it – a sewage treatment plant takes shit and turns it into potable water.

    John Oliver takes ideas and turns them into shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. LCD – Doncha just love that “superior” English accent… every day I hear tiring Lexus ads with some sickly sounding British announcer pushing a Japanese car as though it’s a Rolls Royce! It just makes it sound phony as Hell!


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