He did it his way – prospective service dog fails every test – IOTW Report

He did it his way – prospective service dog fails every test

 h/t help WHAT guy?

16 Comments on He did it his way – prospective service dog fails every test

  1. Hey, he is young, he has spirit. Give him 5-6 years, he’ll settle down. We had a dog like that, he ran away to live with the rich neighbors, they thought he was the best dog ever.

  2. HAHAHA! That could have been our Lab when she was young. She wrapped the lead around my wife’s legs tripping her and my she shattered her wrist trying to catch her fall. I decided to not put her down or give her away. Kept the dog too.

  3. My pup is a service dog and it’s fascinating watching the comparison, she is probably the best behaved dog I have every seen, she still loves to play when off the clock but is totally in the zone working.

    Service dogs are the best answer to PTSD there is.

  4. Actually, I think that dog is pretty smart; he knew the guy in the wheelchair, and the guy with the walker were faking it, and he exposed them as frauds! He may have a future with the PD.

  5. He behaves like our new American Maine Coon kitten. He’s being fixed on Monday. Maybe that will calm him down a bit. My arms are shredded from playing with the little dickens.


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