He Doesn’t Have To Go Home, But He Can’t Stay Here – IOTW Report

He Doesn’t Have To Go Home, But He Can’t Stay Here

david brooks 12

DMF: Poor deeply depressed David Brooks. The New York Times columnist continues his embarrassing public display of utter despair at the decline of his beloved Republican Establishment, with this drunken rant from a bar:

“It’s 2 a.m. The bar is closing. Republicans have had a series of strong and nasty Trump cocktails. Suddenly Ted Cruz is beginning to look kind of attractive. At least he’s sort of predictable, and he doesn’t talk about his sexual organs in presidential debates!

Well, Republicans, have your standards really fallen so low so fast? Are you really that desperate? Can you remember your 8 p.m. selves, and all the hope you had about entering a campaign with such a deep bench of talented candidates?”

Oh, you thought we were kidding, didn’t you? You could not have imagined Brooks was quite literally drowning his GOPe sorrows,  more

17 Comments on He Doesn’t Have To Go Home, But He Can’t Stay Here

  1. I shake my head, rub my eyes….. can’t believe the time I wasted, over years, reading the thoughts of the likes of him….

    …as though he mattered. ….Lady in Red

  2. Who IS this ancient decrepit ossified fossil, and why does what he whimper matter to me?
    Ohhh, I get it. I think. He’s supposed to be one of those highly educated elite thinkers that everyone else (us peons) is supposed to worship the pearls of wisdom that drop from his mouth.

  3. Bless your heart you little scum sucking slime dwelling toad.

    In summary Cruz’s orthodox conservatism is a thing of the past. Trump’s nationalism is nasty.

    from the drunken whine:
    ‘According to him (Trump), America’s problems aren’t caused by deep structural shifts. They’re caused by morons and parasites.’

    Yes and you are one of them. Calling you a POS is an insult to ‘S’.

  4. “a deep bench of talented candidates”

    who are they, he “reefers” too? not bush, rubio, cruz or kaisich.
    (not refer but “reefer” as in what’s he been smoking.)

    ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha….

    how can anyone listen to a person who thinks the best qualification to have for the job is, who has the sharpest crease in his pants?

    the more the establishment whines about the trump the more committed I get to vote for him.

    I cannot get behind cruz if he can.

  5. The prospect of the Globaloney Bullshit Socialist Establishment, Inc., being denied opportunities for theft and corruption has the sycophants pissing their pants.

    Whine on, buttwipe … maybe you and CHEB! could get jobs as Trump’s buffoonish pool boys … he might let y’all wear matching “Buster Brown” outfits …

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