He/Him Has Nuts, She/Hers Don’t – IOTW Report

He/Him Has Nuts, She/Hers Don’t

post milliennial

In response to Hershey Canada’s International Women’s Day campaign featuring a trans-identified biological male, Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing announced an anti-woke competing chocolate brand with two varieties: Jeremy’s Chocolate.

The new candy line features two products, a chocolate bar called “She/Her,” and another with nuts called “He/Him.” The launch video, which featured Daily Wire personalities Brett Cooper and Michael Knowles, Boering [correct spelling above] said “our friends over at Hersey’s don’t even know what a woman is.” More

6 Comments on He/Him Has Nuts, She/Hers Don’t

  1. The commie, liberal stooges love chaos, confusion and Satanism.

    It’s all symbolic of their under-developed mind, over enthusiastic stupidity and overall ignorance.

  2. All I can visualize with male to female tranny is that fermenting cloaca they must saw into the dude. It raises the hair on my scalp. Go Jeremy’s… and Hersheys can run it right up the he-she highway if they like.


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