He Should Have LOOTED the Sandwich – IOTW Report

He Should Have LOOTED the Sandwich

I would think California has bigger problems than what this dumb, dumpy cop is concerning himself with.

16 Comments on He Should Have LOOTED the Sandwich

  1. Fat little fascist just want to do some asset forfeiture because he was peckish. Glad to see some pushback. Get back to the food court at the mall, Paul Blart.

  2. “Have you noticed that the further a government descends into tyranny and evil, the thicker and thicker the code of statutes becomes? On the surface, one would think that flagrant law-breakers in positions of power would tend toward anarchy, removing the “roadblocks” from the law that might jeopardize or imperil them as they pursue ever-increasing levels of power through criminal activity. This is exactly wrong. DNs, because they define themselves as “elite”, need a metric against which to measure and quantify their “eliteness”. That metric is The Law, specifically the extent to which The LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM.

    It is precisely for this reason that DNs tend to be VERY enthusiastic about law qua law in a Pharisaical and tyrannical sense – because every new law is yet another potential way for the DN to manifest their superiority and otherness – by dispensing themselves from it. DNs wallow in hypocrisy like hogs wallow in fecal mud. If there were no law for DNs to dispense themselves from, there would be no distinction, no “otherness”, no over-and-aboveness relative to the unwashed masses.”

    It is from the same Ann Barnhardt post I keep linking to. It explains so much and is concise.

  3. Oh, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) cops. They’re not really cops. They are more criminal than the criminals they run into. And bad ass tac guys. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. Of course unless there’s real gun play involved. And then you can’t find them. BART is always getting sued. And always loses. Don’t ride BART.

  4. his happened in November of 2019. Old news

    Maybe, but shitting and pissing on the sidewalk is still ignored and has only ramped up!
    That’s the real problem!

  5. “This happened in November of 2019. Old news.”

    It’s fresh news to me, maybe because Jack Dorsey’s goons banned it from Twitter in 2019, as well as whoever posted it.

  6. Those are the kind of LEOs (not Peace Officers) that I wouldn’t stop to help if they were in trouble.
    “I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire.”


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