He Was Just Resting His Eyes – IOTW Report

He Was Just Resting His Eyes

Remember that time Joe Biden looked at his watch when the caskets of 13 dead soldiers were being returned from his chaotic Afghanistan pullout? Well now he just fell asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the hundreds of Americans killed by the fires.


I don’t know if he fell asleep or not, but his breathing should be looked at.

17 Comments on He Was Just Resting His Eyes

  1. I always notice how bald he actually is in these real moments where they can’t play pretend with his spray on hair.

    That’s the reason for that goofy baseball hat when out of doors.

    Dipshit narcissistic asshole had to take it off in church and viola, bald bastard. Caught himself so nappy time.

    What a colossal waste of wretched flesh the satanic child molester is.

    On the day they plant this fucker I will drive any distance to piss on his grave…


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