He Was Not Arrested For Smoking – But Kinda – IOTW Report

He Was Not Arrested For Smoking – But Kinda

26 Comments on He Was Not Arrested For Smoking – But Kinda

  1. He could have been laying on the very same sidewalk with a needle in his arm and there is absolutely no way he would be in cuffs irrespective of showing identification or not

  2. The thin blue line gang strikes again. Can’t go after people for not wearing a mask outside anymore, so there’s plenty of resources available to harass people about smoking outside.

  3. If the dude was smart he’d abandon that state and stop paying their exorbitant tobacco taxes.

    There is no job in NYC that pays enough to make anyone suffer the endless harassment from their government.

    Just leave. The Stasi is in charge now.
    They couldn’t be trifled with real crime.

    Get out now.

  4. Large city police departments are hiring increasingly stupid recruits. It’s the only way they can push the leftist agenda. They are the modern day equivalent to the Brown Shirts that the Nazi Party used to brutalize the German people so they could seize control.


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