Looks like Hunter Biden’s book (and text messages) is the best witness against him.

Robert Gouveia- Hunter Biden is scheduled for trial in September and government prosecutors released their trial brief detailing their plan of attack. Trial exhibits include text messages between Hunter and his ex-wife, who may be subpoenaed by the government to testify.

Who the hell takes photographs of crack cocaine?
Why did I ask that?
The smartest guy Joe knows.
Worst gene pool in American history. And they’re in charge of our country. Fing unbelievable nobody stepped in.
Between Clinton, Obama and Biden: what fucking low-lifes have made their way into the White House. It HAD to be a Chicomm/Soros plot.
Nothing to see here; move along …
Who the hell takes photographs of crack cocaine?
Inquiring minds want to know: Why didn’t he just paint pictures of his bongs, crackpipes, weed, coke and whores?
After all, it’s his hobby…. I mean they’re all his hobbies!
Hunter is a prime example of the type people who now make vital and extremely serious policy / decisions that affect every American citizen. If this isn’t a wake up call that we are indeed in serious trouble nothing will change the minds of the supporters of the Biden administration. At 73, I am simply amazed at how far we have fallen as a nation and that there are people who actually support these people. Hunter is an entitled child of a certified POS who is nothing more than a corrupt perpetual grifter and liar.
Say Hunter, Why do You Drink?
and why do You snort Dope?
and why must You take Pics of all the Children You Grope?
Well Son, stop and think it over
put Yourself in My Position
When I get Stoned and Pork My Sister all Night long
It’s just a Family Tradition..
When Hunter learned of all the drugs they pumped into Joe for the SOTU, he exclaimed: “Gee dad, I want to be president just like you when I grow up.”
What a lot of people don’t realize is that this Biden cluster fuck is just another alternative prog family construct and is what most progs aspire to. Sounds hard to believe, but it’s true.
He was on the pipe every 20 minutes’ When I first saw the headline I thought it was going to be an expose about our first Crackhead in Chief, Obama, who was known to be hittin’ da pipe regularly while he was defiling the White House.
Only because We The People allow it ……
Our national sovereignty is totally compromised by a senile pervert and his crackhead son. How we as a country survive a total collapse…God only knows.