Media Matters Lays Off Dozens of Employees Due to Elon Musk Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Media Matters Lays Off Dozens of Employees Due to Elon Musk Lawsuit

Breitbart: Media Matters, a nonprofit organization that smears conservatives, announced Thursday it laid off dozens of employees, including management and journalists, and appeared to cite its legal battle with Elon Musk as cause for the dismissals.

Musk’s X social media platform sued Media Matters in November over its efforts to link ad placements on the platform to neo-Nazi content, Breitbart News reported, a strategy the radical organization used to initiate boycotts against the income streams of conservative media companies.

The suit triggered Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas (R) and Andrew Bailey of Missouri (R) to investigate the nonprofit for potential illegal activity by allegedly “manipulating data on the site formerly known as Twitter,” the New York Post reported.

Media Matters President Angelo Carusone announced the layoffs by suggesting the organization’s future is on shaky ground. more

9 Comments on Media Matters Lays Off Dozens of Employees Due to Elon Musk Lawsuit

  1. Media Matters does not worry about money. Something else is going on. MMA laying off employees is as much of an issue as Soros cancelling magazine subscriptions. There’s more to the story.

  2. Gosh Wally, who knew that pushing propaganda for a bunch of double-dealing, douche-bag, democRAT deadbeats who rarely pay their bills would be so expensive!

    No kiddin Beave. When you get in bed with those dickweeds always make sure to lay on your back!

    Hey! Has anyone hoid from Airhead America lately?

  3. The linked article cites a former employee claiming that “nobody does what Media Matters does.” Really? Lots of main stream media outlets lie and willfully ignore relevant facts – Media Matters is just more egregious in this conduct.


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