He Wrote This – IOTW Report

He Wrote This

Who wrote the glowing assessment of Donald Trump?
Only the smartest man in the room, as far as he’s concerned.


Ben Shapiro

What exactly did Trump do between 2011 and 2016 that made him the absolute monster that Shapiro says he is now?

I couldn’t have posted a more devastating essay, showing how silly Shapiro is, had I penned it myself.

What is it about the 2016 Trump that didn’t have him worried in 2011?

Is it Trump’s promise to
Build a wall?
Pause Muslim refugees from entering America unvetted?
Renegotiate fair trade?
Repeal common core?
Repeal Obamacare?
Strengthen the military?
Properly fund and run the VA?
Simplify the tax code?
Is it all these “PROGRESSIVE” promises that separates the 2011 Trump from the 2016 Trump?

As always, people – FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!

3 Comments on He Wrote This

  1. Followed Trump’s money and discovered how heinous the man really is. Same here.

    A lesson to be learned for sure. Be certain to do the research before opening your mouth/pen.

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