Head of National Archives Fired – IOTW Report

Head of National Archives Fired

CBS News

President Trump has fired Archivist of the United States Colleen J. Shogan, the government official responsible for preserving and providing access to government records. 

Sergio Gor, director of the Presidential Personnel Office, announced Shogan’s dismissal Friday night. Shogan has held the job since 2023. 

“At the direction of @realDonaldTrump the Archivist of the United States has been dismissed tonight,” Gor wrote on X. “We thank Colleen Shogan for her service.” More

7 Comments on Head of National Archives Fired

  1. Instead of all of the bitching they should being giving thanks we aren’t shoving their heads into guillotines. Their reprieve may not be all that lasting though. The progressive/Marxist/Satanist rank and file tends to go mid evil on their leaders once they are no longer useful to them. There is blood in the water and they are being whipped into a frenzy. The filthy bastards responsible for all of this shit are frantically trying to keep the hordes focused on Trump. Once it becomes evident that they have completely lost control of the narrative the rank and file are going to blame their own leaders and pass the popcorn.

  2. Guillotines always get a bad rating. They were quick, painless, low power and extremely effective. A quick clean up with a garden hose, and “next”!! No one ever complained about their effectiveness or pain.

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