Head of NY BLM states his position – IOTW Report

Head of NY BLM states his position

Mental midget Hawk Newsome, head of NY BLM, goes down a familiar road oft cited by leftists and disgruntled minorities unsatisfied with what this country offers ALL citizens (let alone the special giveaways for POC.) He justifies his violence by saying America was “built on violence.”

He cites the American Revolution.

He says if “they” don’t get what they want (he seems to think he speaks for all black people) “they” are going to burn it down. He never states what “they” want, but I’m sure it’s a very adult list that doesn’t, at all, sound like it was drafted by a 7 year-old writing to Santa.

Newsome sounds like he is saying he is fighting a war to establish his own country.

Go for it, you big dummy. Declare war and let the violence begin. Let me spoil the ending for you. You lose.

And please, don’t act as if George Floyd was the tipping point, the final straw, the last body atop a colossal mound of black victims, murdered by the racist police. The facts don’t comport with your childish emotions. You’re more likely to be killed by one of the people you’re protesting with than a white cop.

You’re just using this guy’s death to make it seem as you have a life.

This is not the life you should be pursuing in the land of black opportunity (which is what this country is.)

You’re either too stupid to realize it, or you’re smart enough to leverage a meal ticket when you see one. Either way, I think you’re a shitstain.

22 Comments on Head of NY BLM states his position

  1. Can go on media and say that he’ll get what he wants or he’ll burn the country down.

    White people banned from media for criticizing blm. Because they are promoting violence or something.

    Who is it that has privilege in this country anyway?

  2. BLM riots and says they will burn your city down unless their crazy demands are met.

    You say those demands are crazy in a conversation with a friend, colleague or forbid…on the internet.

    You lose your job. You get death threats. Doxxed. And have family members fire from their jobs for knowing you.

    This is America. Not that place what’s his face was singing about.

  3. “Go for it, you big dummy.” Good one, BFH. Sums up Numbskull Newsome’s asinine race baiting tactics perfectly.
    BTW, That hat he’s wearing, “Soul Not for Sale” can’t be true. He’s probably already sold his soul to Soros/Satan.

  4. He did tell the truth, he said BLM wants “sovereignty” for black people. They don’t want to follow the “white man’s laws’. They want to destroy the country, plain and simple. It’s not about ending racism, it’s about black supremacy. Wake up people.

  5. The longer the BLM movement continues, the racism and mistrust toward black people will grow. This is how the Democrats keep them on the plantation. While they claim to be the solution, they are actually the problem.
    BLM is actually just thugs and miscreants. The majority of Americans don’t care about race, so long as you get your ass out of bed and go to work.
    The baby-daddies that live off baby-mammas welfare. Never had a job, George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks are fine examples. Race is really irrelevant, they were POS human beings, good riddance.
    When the Democrat get open borders, who will be the first ones replaced. The dead beat workers that think someone is obligated to pay them big bucks just because they were born.
    If you think your skin color somehow makes you better than everyone else, well GFYS.

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