Head of teachers’ union doesn’t understand math – IOTW Report

Head of teachers’ union doesn’t understand math

American Thinker

By Thomas Lifson

I don’t think there is any fixing anymore that could cure the problems of government schools (incorrectly called “public schools” in this country). The only solution that has any prospect of restoring the availability of quality education for all children in this country is to start funding children with vouchers for parents to use at the schools of their choice. Parents have the best interests of their children at heart far more than do the bureaucrats that run government schools.

So corrupt has the education industry become, so low have fallen the standards to qualify as a teacher in government schools that the head of the American Federation of Teachers proudly published a tweet demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of the fundamentals of arithmetic.

115% of mothers with young children left their jobs in 2020 because of childcare responsibilities.

In addition to being an appalling math dummy, Ms. Weingarten is also a scapegoater of Jews. She is a childless lesbian, trained as a lawyer with no classroom experience, and on top of that, is an admitted plagiarist.


12 Comments on Head of teachers’ union doesn’t understand math

  1. fire them all just like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers

    whether you have kids or not, I urge everyone to attend a school board meeting, it will make you want to get involved to fix the festered mess
    after all most people have to pay a school tax
    I know my 2020 school tax increased again & not a single kid went to school in 2020

  2. If you imagine for a second that the totalitarians will cede the greatest implement of propaganda and indoctrination known to man (public “school”) on a vote (“counting the snotty noses” as Heinlein so aptly put it) to enable parents to influence their whelps’ “education” – then I got a bridge to sell ya!

    And most of the inner city ghetto rats couldn’t care less about “educating” their broods or they wouldn’t have put up with this shit for 75 years.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Math is racist. The idea of a “correct answer” is a white construct used to keep minorities oppressed. Children need to understand that, in a free country, 2 + 2 is anything they want it to be.

  4. Hmmm? Maybe some of them left their jobs twice? /sarcsam

    Public school teachers, with few exceptions, are among the dumbest people I have ever had the misfortune to interact with.


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