“Headis” is a thing – IOTW Report

“Headis” is a thing

You ever wonder about things that are going on around you that you have no idea exist?

Here’s a thing —>

17 Comments on “Headis” is a thing

  1. I guess you can make a game out of any activity. Eskimos for example have some sort of tug of war by tying a loop of material around each other’s ear, then pull till someone gives up. I think I’ll pass on both activities.

  2. In the 14th century, neighboring German towns would compete to see who could, with their hands tied behind their back, beat a cat that had been nailed to a post to death with their head. Good times.

  3. Absolutely idiotic! Life with post concussion syndrome is a nightmare. Even simple whiplash can cause your brain to bounce in your skull, forever changing your life. Ask me how I know.

  4. Are there things going on around me that I didn’t know exist?

    Only All. The. Time. Geoff C. likes to gaslight me. When we go driving around our burg together, it always comes up. I’ll notice something new or something gone and ask, “When did that go in/get torn down?” And he always says, “Oh, about nine or ten years ago.”

    I’m so unplugged from pop culture I wouldn’t know the real game any of the versions derive from.

  5. obviously a syndrome from too many soccer balls bouncing off their heads causing drain bramage as children

    … in 10 years these idiots, drooling on themselves, will be contacting the Johnny Cochran Firm for a class-action suit against the ‘league’ … stupider than beanball toss cornhole

  6. This explains the Irish term ‘head-the-ball’ which refers to a feckin’ ejit.

    I assumed this video was a hoax… until I saw how good some of them are at this… they have been practicing… Oh well, at least they put down the video games and got off the couch.


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