This is not normal. The stories are just piling up.
ht/ woody
Daniel Moshi was a gifted singer and Leyden High School student who died suddenly during a solo choir performance, his family said. FULL STORY: ABC 7 Chicago
20 Comments on Healthy 17 Year-Old Dies While Singing Choir
The truth has been piling up for years.
Saintly end
I stick by my earlier observation about fnuck.
His mother said “He loved to sing for the Lord”. Broke my heart.
In unrelated news, experts can’t seem to figure out why things mysteriously get wet when it rains.
There’s a special place in hell for the death jab pushers.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 5:39 AM
Never trust the untrustworthy.
Most anything advocated by the FedGov, Big Pharma, and the Media is bound to be deleterious, if not downright deadly.
RIP, Daniel Moshi; may God avenge you – for it is certain that the cowards and traitors in gov’t who were paid to protect you will not.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
All these parents who bought into the fear and made their kids get these shots are going to have a lot of guilt to deal with.
The CDC should be disbanded along with every bureaucracy.
Fauxci should spend his remaining yrs in prison.
I’m not interested in the vaccine killers being punished in hell, live on MSM would be better. I’d sleep better knowing no other kids will die and miss out on a good life because of the CDC bs and America’s silence. Hell should just be the backup plan.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 7:10 AM
“Fauxci should ̶s̶p̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶a̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶r̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶ be given a tiny prison cell long enough for him to watch the building of his gallows just outside, after which he should be hung expeditiously by the slow draw method with his hands tied but legs left free so all can see him piss and shit himself as he dies in thrashing agony, and his corspe left to be bird pecked and bug infested in public and on WebCam 24/7/365 until it falls to rotted pieces that not even feral dogs will touch as a warning to others.”
You know what? Do what I said above, but leave ONE arm free, and no hood.
That way we can all enjoy his prolonged death struggles as he tries to grasp the rope above his head to remove the constriction on his throat, but he won’t be able to do one-armed pull-ups for long nor free himself, so we can then watch as his strength fails and the terror that grips his tiny, evil face as he sloooowlyy is forced to conceed the fight and the noose draws up tight and hard at the last, and see his eyeballs bulge and lying tounge loll from his formerly smug, but now purpling into black face as he foams a river to mingle with the urine that sluiced down his designer slacks when he first saw Hell approaching.
Asphyxiation is the most poetic of justice for him. A small echo of the unmitigated hell he put millions, possibly billions, through with his kill shot, lung-bursting ventilators, and RunDeathIsNear prescription for death.
Let his family watch, from a distance, in echo of the agony of those billions who were not even allowed to give the final comfort of closeness in death.
Then hang them, every single member of his family, so his line is forever ended.
Or turn them over to the families of the victims to administer street justice. Either works.
Just make sure its broadcast for all other tyrants and Mengeles to enjoy.
And now they are going to mandate shots for every child or they can’t go to school. I hear that it will be a state issue, but I live in the communist state of Illinois, so our fat pig governor won’t wait a second to make that a law here. We are raising our three grandchildren, and I will never allow them to get the shot, but I truly don’t know what to do. I know the quick answer from everyone will be “homeschool them” or “move”. I’m 63 years old with a few years to go till retirement. The kids are all in the same school they’ve been in since they were kindergarteners. Sometimes those simple answers don’t work. I honestly don’t know what we’re going to do.
@ nco77
You are not alone.
Maybe you can seek out some homeschool groups? You probably don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
Years ago my wife homeschooled our three girls, one of which had a learning disability, they all turned out great.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 8:20 AM
You may want to look into online schools. In Ohio they have a thing called K-12 Online that can be legally used in place of going to physical school, don’t know about IL. They have the same hideous content as the public schools, but at least you can monitor it. Its not a perfect solution, but it may serve as a stopgap to keep you out of prison until you do retire. But if your situation includes no one being home during school hours, you’re going to need a trusted neighbor or baby sitter to help out, and that’s probably going to cost something.
Socialization is a problem, obviously, unless you have same age kids that play together in your neighborhood. Every situation is different so you have to weigh all that against potentially crippling, sterilizing, or losing your grandkids.
Im sorry that you have been forced into that choice by tyrants. You are ultimately going to have to do the best you can with what you have, and pray the Lord for guidance and strength.
Dear Lord, please bless and equip nco77 and all parents and grandparents in desperate need in thwarting the designs that evil men have against the very children of this nation. Please comfort and guide all these who would give their own lives to protect the sweet souls You entrusted to them, and give them a path to raising this lost generation well that preserves life and freedom, and give the children the discernment to reject the lessons the tyrants would inflict on them in favor of Your good plan.
As you preserved Lot and drew him forth from among evildoers before meting them out true Justice, draw these who desperately need Your mercy from among the heathens that would sacrifice the children of others to the devil for their own power, protect those innocents and reverse this evil.
The task is large and seems impossible, but You are larger and with the Lord, ALL is possible. Please protect these lives, young and old, and preserve them to Your Glory and Your Mercy.
In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,
God Bless,
In all sincerity, this is also why anywhere that people congregate, ESPECIALLY churches, should have an AED present and inspected at all times and someone trained on the basics of how to use it and to perform CPR. The AED, being automatic as its acronym implies (Automatic External Defibrillator), doesn’t require a whole lot of training, mostly getting over yourself about taking the shirt off of a dying person so you can properly site the pads that have graphics that tell you where to put them and maybe shave a chest for better contact, but in instances of sudden dysrhythmia in particular such as this seems to be, this is a literal lifesaver IF it’s administered QUICKLY.
A life squad 5-10 minutes out is NOT “quickly”.
There’s a wide variety of models that can give varying levels of help, some verbally, some with built-in graphics, but ALL will tell you when you’ve got leads place, analyze the rhythm, tell you when to step back, ask you to push the SHOCK button (semi-auto) AND pace your CPR while telling you when to start and when to resume.
Now more than EVER, every institution NEEDS to have one of these. I’ve deployed one TWICE in two different buildings just in my FACTORY campus, once sucessfully, once not, and God bless the man that came up with these things that can be used by most people with very little training to HUGE effect with preserving life.
I am NOT selling these so I won’t recommmend any particular company, each one has different deals. and…this is IMPORTANT…some provide the PRESCRIPTION.
Because this is regarded as A PRESCRIPTION ONLY DEVICE by the FDA, mostly to assure a modicum of training and inspection is done, but as I say in many cases the selling company will happily provide that prescription FOR you if need be.
Some states require this be done under a medical director and/or with a FORMAL inspection program. Check your state laws as they DO vary.
But please DO talk to your Pastor, Minister, Rabbi, Father, Iman, whoever heads your house of worship about getting one and having at least one person designated to use it.
Business owners, consider this as well. Believe me, this WILL come up.
The life saved could be your own.
Or your child’s.
I have one at HOME myself. I found that in my semi-rural area I have a LONG response time, so I’ve equipped UP in response, but that’s just me.
Your situation may vary. Consider that as well.
Here’s a quick search I did that may help. You can do your own, simply type “AED” and it will provide many, many options. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions, but I DO recommend it as one who has been there.
The truth has been piling up for years.
Saintly end
I stick by my earlier observation about fnuck.
His mother said “He loved to sing for the Lord”. Broke my heart.
In unrelated news, experts can’t seem to figure out why things mysteriously get wet when it rains.
There’s a special place in hell for the death jab pushers.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 5:39 AM
Never trust the untrustworthy.
Most anything advocated by the FedGov, Big Pharma, and the Media is bound to be deleterious, if not downright deadly.
RIP, Daniel Moshi; may God avenge you – for it is certain that the cowards and traitors in gov’t who were paid to protect you will not.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
All these parents who bought into the fear and made their kids get these shots are going to have a lot of guilt to deal with.
The CDC should be disbanded along with every bureaucracy.
Fauxci should spend his remaining yrs in prison.
I’m not interested in the vaccine killers being punished in hell, live on MSM would be better. I’d sleep better knowing no other kids will die and miss out on a good life because of the CDC bs and America’s silence. Hell should just be the backup plan.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 7:10 AM
“Fauxci should ̶s̶p̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶a̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶r̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶ be given a tiny prison cell long enough for him to watch the building of his gallows just outside, after which he should be hung expeditiously by the slow draw method with his hands tied but legs left free so all can see him piss and shit himself as he dies in thrashing agony, and his corspe left to be bird pecked and bug infested in public and on WebCam 24/7/365 until it falls to rotted pieces that not even feral dogs will touch as a warning to others.”
You know what? Do what I said above, but leave ONE arm free, and no hood.
That way we can all enjoy his prolonged death struggles as he tries to grasp the rope above his head to remove the constriction on his throat, but he won’t be able to do one-armed pull-ups for long nor free himself, so we can then watch as his strength fails and the terror that grips his tiny, evil face as he sloooowlyy is forced to conceed the fight and the noose draws up tight and hard at the last, and see his eyeballs bulge and lying tounge loll from his formerly smug, but now purpling into black face as he foams a river to mingle with the urine that sluiced down his designer slacks when he first saw Hell approaching.
Asphyxiation is the most poetic of justice for him. A small echo of the unmitigated hell he put millions, possibly billions, through with his kill shot, lung-bursting ventilators, and RunDeathIsNear prescription for death.
Let his family watch, from a distance, in echo of the agony of those billions who were not even allowed to give the final comfort of closeness in death.
Then hang them, every single member of his family, so his line is forever ended.
Or turn them over to the families of the victims to administer street justice. Either works.
Just make sure its broadcast for all other tyrants and Mengeles to enjoy.
And now they are going to mandate shots for every child or they can’t go to school. I hear that it will be a state issue, but I live in the communist state of Illinois, so our fat pig governor won’t wait a second to make that a law here. We are raising our three grandchildren, and I will never allow them to get the shot, but I truly don’t know what to do. I know the quick answer from everyone will be “homeschool them” or “move”. I’m 63 years old with a few years to go till retirement. The kids are all in the same school they’ve been in since they were kindergarteners. Sometimes those simple answers don’t work. I honestly don’t know what we’re going to do.
@ nco77
You are not alone.
Maybe you can seek out some homeschool groups? You probably don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
Years ago my wife homeschooled our three girls, one of which had a learning disability, they all turned out great.
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 8:20 AM
You may want to look into online schools. In Ohio they have a thing called K-12 Online that can be legally used in place of going to physical school, don’t know about IL. They have the same hideous content as the public schools, but at least you can monitor it. Its not a perfect solution, but it may serve as a stopgap to keep you out of prison until you do retire. But if your situation includes no one being home during school hours, you’re going to need a trusted neighbor or baby sitter to help out, and that’s probably going to cost something.
Socialization is a problem, obviously, unless you have same age kids that play together in your neighborhood. Every situation is different so you have to weigh all that against potentially crippling, sterilizing, or losing your grandkids.
Im sorry that you have been forced into that choice by tyrants. You are ultimately going to have to do the best you can with what you have, and pray the Lord for guidance and strength.
Dear Lord, please bless and equip nco77 and all parents and grandparents in desperate need in thwarting the designs that evil men have against the very children of this nation. Please comfort and guide all these who would give their own lives to protect the sweet souls You entrusted to them, and give them a path to raising this lost generation well that preserves life and freedom, and give the children the discernment to reject the lessons the tyrants would inflict on them in favor of Your good plan.
As you preserved Lot and drew him forth from among evildoers before meting them out true Justice, draw these who desperately need Your mercy from among the heathens that would sacrifice the children of others to the devil for their own power, protect those innocents and reverse this evil.
The task is large and seems impossible, but You are larger and with the Lord, ALL is possible. Please protect these lives, young and old, and preserve them to Your Glory and Your Mercy.
In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,
God Bless,
In all sincerity, this is also why anywhere that people congregate, ESPECIALLY churches, should have an AED present and inspected at all times and someone trained on the basics of how to use it and to perform CPR. The AED, being automatic as its acronym implies (Automatic External Defibrillator), doesn’t require a whole lot of training, mostly getting over yourself about taking the shirt off of a dying person so you can properly site the pads that have graphics that tell you where to put them and maybe shave a chest for better contact, but in instances of sudden dysrhythmia in particular such as this seems to be, this is a literal lifesaver IF it’s administered QUICKLY.
A life squad 5-10 minutes out is NOT “quickly”.
There’s a wide variety of models that can give varying levels of help, some verbally, some with built-in graphics, but ALL will tell you when you’ve got leads place, analyze the rhythm, tell you when to step back, ask you to push the SHOCK button (semi-auto) AND pace your CPR while telling you when to start and when to resume.
Now more than EVER, every institution NEEDS to have one of these. I’ve deployed one TWICE in two different buildings just in my FACTORY campus, once sucessfully, once not, and God bless the man that came up with these things that can be used by most people with very little training to HUGE effect with preserving life.
I am NOT selling these so I won’t recommmend any particular company, each one has different deals. and…this is IMPORTANT…some provide the PRESCRIPTION.
Because this is regarded as A PRESCRIPTION ONLY DEVICE by the FDA, mostly to assure a modicum of training and inspection is done, but as I say in many cases the selling company will happily provide that prescription FOR you if need be.
Some states require this be done under a medical director and/or with a FORMAL inspection program. Check your state laws as they DO vary.
But please DO talk to your Pastor, Minister, Rabbi, Father, Iman, whoever heads your house of worship about getting one and having at least one person designated to use it.
Business owners, consider this as well. Believe me, this WILL come up.
The life saved could be your own.
Or your child’s.
I have one at HOME myself. I found that in my semi-rural area I have a LONG response time, so I’ve equipped UP in response, but that’s just me.
Your situation may vary. Consider that as well.
Here’s a quick search I did that may help. You can do your own, simply type “AED” and it will provide many, many options. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions, but I DO recommend it as one who has been there.
PSA over, thanks and God bless,
And don’t hope too much for honest answers at autopsy.
Coroners are corrupt, elected Democrat creatures too.
@SNS (multiple)
re: Fauxci
You expend too much glitter on it. And it’s pedestal lickers.
Least resource means. Next.
fnuck, son of fnord
OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 11:31 AM
Deterrence requires example.
The showier and more humiliating, the better.
Nuremberg wasn’t public enough, or graphic enough, obviously.
We must fix that.