Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly from Mysterious Syndrome in Australia – Doctors Baffled and Seek Answers – IOTW Report

Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly from Mysterious Syndrome in Australia – Doctors Baffled and Seek Answers

GP: Australia is famous for its totalitarian COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that even businesses that accept unvaccinated people will be subject to exceptionally heavy fines back in 2021.

Australia’s Northern Territory has officially imposed an authoritarian lockdown on citizens who have not been ‘fully vaccinated’ against Covid-19 as officials scrambled to deal with the highly-mild Omicron variant back in January. Any individual 16 or older and who was not fully vaccinated will not be able to leave their homes until the middle of next week, even if it’s to go to work or to get exercise outdoors. more

19 Comments on Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly from Mysterious Syndrome in Australia – Doctors Baffled and Seek Answers

  1. As previously stated; the left MUST lie, cheat, confuse or otherwise misdirect the truth.
    That is the very essence of their survival. If you don’t believe me, ask Satan.

  2. I Do Not Want To Hear That. But we know that it is coming.
    Some young kids had no choice, lose your job or what?
    I can not love your brother over this.
    This was pure evil all of it.
    Some one will have to pay.

  3. Perhaps when the death toll reachs their target goal, they will quit promoting the JAB.
    Ha HA JK, their making to much money.
    Great example of why free shit is so expensive.

  4. It’s all part of a global population reduction plan orchestrated by the central banking system, aka Global Elites. The mRNA fuse has been lit. I’m not the first person to make the prediction that we will see more of these cases by fall of this year.

  5. The world is a more pained place. By “survivors” missing “the lost”.

    But are survivors better off, with more billionaires per slave? Or with more stupid per normal?

    This is an intelligence test. And failure isn’t, nearly, deadly enough.

  6. Wild Bill JUNE 8, 2022 AT 11:16 PM
    “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

    SADS? Good grief.”

    …they are trying to conflate this with SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is a pretty well-known acronym for a largely unknown killer of children in cribs overnight that is designed to invoke that same sympathy and awe for this that SIDS gets because, infants.

    This is misdirection because they are NOT the same thing.

    SIDS (Infants) is a name for idiopathic death in newborns, more common in preemees and neonates, that may be partially explained by swaddling crib and baby clothing and postural asphyxiation. Very new infants are not capable of clearing their own airway if they are lying on their face in a mound of covers or if they accidentally pull that cute, warm, fuzzy nightshirt over their faces because they are infants, not very strong and not very coordinated and, as very recent air breathers, probably don’t even understand the need. This is why programs such as “Back To Sleep” which simply encourages new mothers to place infants on their backs in the crib and keep crib coverings minimal and light have had some success with this. Doesn’t cover all the bases, but did have an impact when they started it. For a fuller explanation of SIDS, click below.

    …the adult deaths, on the other hand, are unlikely to have the same origin. Adults have been air breathers for awhile so they even unconciouosly protect their airways, are certainly strong enough to change postures in their sleep, will for the most part wake up if they get covers over their heads, and are well past the lung problems and possible genetic defects that may manifest as SIDS in infants. Adults tend to die of more prosaic things like blood clots, myocarditis, drug abuse, fake vaxxines, things like that, so it is not the same thing at ALL.

    But the label is to help you unconciously relate those two things in your mind to have the same feeling of ineffiable sympathy, that it was just something that happens so you don’t have to think about it too hard. Guy died, we don’t know why, so sad, bury him and move on without asking too many questions, just another SADS case, lalala the women cried.

    …in other words, its diversionary bullshit from governments too deep to back out now, so they need folks to shut up and kill themselves like good little boys and girls so they can replace them with people already trained to slave labor while not getting hung themselves at the torches and pitchfork rallies they have so richly earned.

    Renaming things is crucial to nacent tyranny. Language is simply a tool to deceive while they enslave and destroy you, all you love, and your world at their own whim.

    This is simply a part of that.

    This will not be fixed by voting. There’s only one way it CAN be fixed. And the Aussies already gave up their guns.

    …but you know what, my Oz dudes? You know who DOES have guns? The cops and the military.

    You can take THEIRS. It’s been done before. Not super safe, but they’re going to kill you anyway, so you are at the point where you can take a chance or just line up for the boxcars. Your choice.

    And before you get too smug, Americans…soon to be OURS.

    …fun fact about SIDS (the baby kind). SIDS is infant death. Its right there in the name. Parents waking up to a dead baby get a little distraught for some reason and call 911. When you roll up to one, the baby can be manifesting dependant lividity (blood pooling well after death), be stiff as a lawn ornament, and be starting to smell…and you are REQUIRED to start CPR anyway. Not that there’s any Lazarus like expectations of revival, but partly to preserve the sanity of the parent(s) till you get to the more controllable environment of the hospital, and partly so you can legally demonstrate that every possible action to save the baby was taken, not to mention so the responder can sleep at night with the same knowledge as well. And having STARTED CPR, State Law requires it continues all the way to the hospital. So you spend 20 odd minutes inflating and pumping a corpse. Probably for the best that it’s useless, because anything after ~4 minutes will more than likely just bring back a brain-damaged infant.

    Still, gross. And they leak things too, but that’s enough about that…

    Interestingly, no such futile measures are required for adults. No one spoke of SADS back in the day, it wasn’t a “thing” then, neither was the Jab (nice coincidence you’ve got there), so I don’t know what the protocol for same might be now, but it seems unlikely. Guess folks don’t get AS upset when a spouse dies. Some may even be pleased, go figure…

  7. Seems like everything in Australia wants to kill you. First it was the fauna, now it’s your fellow Aussie. Never, ever give up your guns. This is what you get.

  8. Grooming little kids to accept perversion is another way to reduce the population. Trannys have their reproductive parts cut out. No babies possible after that.

    Let us consider the other ways to reduce population:

    Covid and its variants
    Programming angry youths to massacre innocent kids
    Promotion of homosexual acts
    Witholding baby formula
    Fentanyl and other drugs
    Planned shortages of food and water
    Reducing our mobility with high gas prices
    Inflation on prices of necessities

    Evil bastards run the world now.

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