Heard Chatter From a Number of People Today That Blasey Wrote a Similar Letter About Gorsuch – IOTW Report

Heard Chatter From a Number of People Today That Blasey Wrote a Similar Letter About Gorsuch

Wait For it sent it to me first. Then I saw it on Twitter. I passed because I didn’t have corroboration, and her dad is a lawyer…lol.

Now I’m told Rush mentioned this today on his show.

The rumor is that this Christine Blasey wrote a similar letter about Gorsuch… which makes her, if this is true, a loon who believes she is going to be a heroine by taking down a SCOTUS pick.


23 Comments on Heard Chatter From a Number of People Today That Blasey Wrote a Similar Letter About Gorsuch

  1. I did read she wrote a similar letter for Gorsuch, but now nobody can find it. Imagine that. As a constitutional conservative I’m sickened by this entire process. Libtards should be hanging their heads in shame. But they’re not. So we should be hanging their heads in a noose. I’m actually looking forward to Rand Paul and DJT teaming up in the near future. And for those of you on Twitter, keep sticking to these Nazis that this is a republic, not a democracy.

  2. If I hear ‘lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land’ one more time, I shall engage my one and only superpower: The ability to kick a rugby ball through the TV and bean the offensive yammer merchant right in the Peach.

  3. Brad, those rodeo cowboys are some of the toughest, most hard headed guys you will ever come across. The girls are pretty mean too. You probably already know that, I used to work with a bunch of them. Good times.

  4. They do this crap because the media,the left and ignorant women play it up. The left is all about degrading women and making women little wilting flowers. Feminism is what has produced so many ignorant women that have raised/are raising so many ignorant men.

    Again, I don’t believe the bullshit story, but even if it were true, who the hell cares? Guess what boys in HS for generations have looked at girls body parts, tried to feel girls’ body parts and have horsed around with women. Once upon a time girls mamas taught them that it’s what boys do, turn around and knock the shit out of them or kick them where it hurts and they’ll stop.
    I know a big shocker, but not all girls followed mama’s advice because they liked the attention. Not a girl/woman alive has worn short shorts, low cut shirts and not did it to attract a boy/man.
    Today I guess mamas are teaching their girls if a boy touches your breasts you need to pee on yourself and scream and then spend the rest of your life going to counseling to get over it.

    Women are too damn stupid to see what they have allowed themselves to become.

  5. “Guess what boys in HS for generations have looked at girls body parts, tried to feel girls’ body parts and have horsed around with women.”

    Yea. Best comment of the night. However if we make all boys queer as hell, that won’t happen. Truth be told girls like that shit. Its a right of passage. However it ends at when your senior year in high school.

    Use to have a couple gurls chase me around when I was young. At my current age I constantly KICK myself for not letting them catch me. What a fxcking idiot I am/was/am.

  6. Gorsuch should write a letter to the NYT, and say that Prof. Ford is confused. It was him, not Kavanaugh, that she is remembering.

    And he had to get “20 million units or more” after their “interaction”. (JIC: Penicillin Penny, Shel Silverstein.)

    Actually, some fellow should step up and admit that is was him. What? You think the professor is lying, and note simply mistaken? Deplorable!

  7. I saw it too. And I believe it, because Gorsuch was also on Romney’s list of potential nominees. They were ready to go for whomever was nominated. That’s why there were no names mentioned to her psychiatrist and why everything else is so vague. One size fits all accusation. These people are slime. I hope Dr. Christine gets whats coming to her – good and hard.

  8. “which makes her, if this is true, a loon”

    More than a loon. She’s a tool, lurking in the communist toolbox of dirty tricks and lies. WAIT! Isn’t lying sanctioned by Islam? Tyranny, by many names.

  9. Old Racist White Woman, I think your comment is dead-on. Adding to it;

    They do this crap because the media,the left and ignorant women play it up. The left is all about degrading women and making women little wilting flowers. then unleashing the Mean Girls to be bullies of the worst type against anyone they don’t like, for anything, no matter how unreasoning. Feminism is what has produced so many ignorant women that have raised/are raising so many ignorant men.

    Victimhood is the most fraudulent and apparently valuable coin of the realm.

  10. There was a LOT of experimentation even before I got into high school. In CA, at 12 y/o, just about everything was being done. I then went to Utah, and things were a few years behind. But there was a lot of grab ass, make out sessions, and girls who would invite you into the girls bathroom. I would advise that you don’t take them up on it until the women teachers have all come out BTW… that didn’t go over well.

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