Heart Transplant Denied Because Patient Didn’t Want Jab – IOTW Report

Heart Transplant Denied Because Patient Didn’t Want Jab

My Northwest-

The University of Washington Medical Center denied organ transplants to patients who refuse a COVID vaccine as early as June 2021. And hospital officials refuse to answer basic questions about their policy.

In fact, they won’t even directly acknowledge they have a policy.

The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH has learned that UW Medicine removed a 64-year-old patient from the transplant waitlist. He says he was on the list for two and a half years. The hospital made the decision after they learned the patient refused to be vaccinated against COVID. They said they would consider adding him back to the waitlist should he satisfy their “compliance concerns.”

Last week, one vaccine-hesitant patient came forward. He says he was told the vaccine was mandatory before he could get a necessary liver transplant. The hospital does not deny any of the allegations.


Hippocratic oath out the window.

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on Heart Transplant Denied Because Patient Didn’t Want Jab

  1. But don’t worry, all kinds of riffraff crossing the border without masks and the poison jab. 🙄

    Bet their asses are walking into urgent cares and hospitals around the country getting preferential treatment, but an American citizen? Forget about it. 🤨

  2. That is where they’re headed imo, get jabbed or no buying, no business(no selling), no job, no healthcare.

    I have said since the beginning, I will not wear a mask to shop, eat at a restaurant, etc. and I haven’t. However, the one place I have worn one is at the hospital and cancer center because it’s the only way they will let you in, so it’s not surprising they refuse you health care without a mask that they would refuse you health care if you aren’t jabbed.
    I have also said since the beginning this is my hill to die on and I will die before I let them jab me. I however will not go down without a fight.

  3. As if we weren’t already disgusted enough in the decline of our once “better than Cuba’s” health system.
    Mostly the problem hasn’t been Drs., but less-educated support staff.

  4. @CC: I saw a nurse drop my father’s pills on the floor by his bed. She picked them up, put them back into the small cup and gave them to him. Cameras should be put into patients rooms. I wonder how many people die at the hands of incompetent medical workers? Angels of death. I bet the number is staggering.


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