Heartbreaking Footage of a BLM BASTARD TERRORIST Breaking the Jaw of an Elderly Man Protecting His Business from Arson – IOTW Report

Heartbreaking Footage of a BLM BASTARD TERRORIST Breaking the Jaw of an Elderly Man Protecting His Business from Arson

These are terrorists. These are scumbags. These people need to be stopped, by any means necessary.

The media is treating these thugs as some sort of righteous heroes. They are culpable in this madness.

19 Comments on Heartbreaking Footage of a BLM BASTARD TERRORIST Breaking the Jaw of an Elderly Man Protecting His Business from Arson

  1. The government isn’t going to do anything about this, it’s up to the people to do something now and if they don’t do something then they accept it and that’s just the way it is.

  2. The cities need to be sued for failing to protect citizens & businesses.

    It must be made more expensive to neglect your obligations that to maintain order & safety.

  3. @TheMule
    Did spell check get ya? Why is it so hard to say what we really want to say?

    I edited it. It is not worth it to lose what little advertising we have left. These are very strange times. Sorry folks. -bfh

  4. I know there are (some) black people that feel disenfranchised, hobbled with misguided notions (not backed by any statistical data, mind you) that the cops are out to kill them, or that they just can’t get a fair shake in America anymore (quit listening to Michelle Obama who is the queen purveyor in that shit) but nobody feels more disenfranchised than me and folks that think like me.

    The police won’t protect me, I am surrounded by leftists who not only condone the violence but think of it as some sort just retribution for past sins, and the politicians that represent me support the rioters and think I should be silenced.

    The only solution I can think of is to allow these blue cities to burn to the ground, they can’t be saved.

    Of course, the lawless thugs will then move to another city. We really got problems and TBH, 4 more years with Trump will not stanch the bleeding.

  5. I’m not sure that it was his business actually, but something just as dear to HIM,

    The Danish Cultural Hall of Kenosha.

    He was defending an Institution of sorts.

  6. Manchelle is bitchin about not bring seen as a black person again. Kinda hard to miss that giant ass penis swinger

    We see black folks all the time, we see them committing acts of violence against whites with no consequences what so ever but if it was a white dude hitting an elderly black man more riots would follow.

    Demonrats do have standards, they are called double standards.


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