Heartless Moron Lefty Judge Makes Fun of Paralyzed Governor Abbott – IOTW Report

Heartless Moron Lefty Judge Makes Fun of Paralyzed Governor Abbott


At a panel on leftist activism in cities, Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt was railing against the Texas legislature, complaining about how the state is constantly thwarting municipal policy. The Republicans running state government, she said, just want to stop whatever good things the cities are doing—whether it’s plastic bag bans, fracking bans, even local tree ordinances!

Then she said, “Governor Abbott hates trees because one fell on him.” The crowd laughed.

As all Texans know, Abbott was paralyzed from the waist down at age 26 when a tree fell on him while he was jogging on a windy day in Houston in 1984. He has used a wheelchair ever since. For an elected official to make fun of this, especially on a panel about civic activism, is appalling and offensive.


21 Comments on Heartless Moron Lefty Judge Makes Fun of Paralyzed Governor Abbott

  1. Travis County. Home of the prosecutor that wrongly imprisoned Tom Delay. Dan Rather. The fake Bush National Guard memos. Austin scumbags.

    Just nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. I despise her, but not because of this poor taste joke.
    I like poor taste jokes in general; some are hilarious.

    “What do you call a female judge taking bribes from you?”
    “Your Honor.”

    Your Honor – you’re on her – geddit? HAW-HAW-HAW!

  3. This bulldyke, who’s inner rage against her mother/father’s annoyance of her very existence, expects a pass for her “disagreeable” remark?

    Too late. The mask slipped and now she’s on record as a low life slime ball who will use her “disagreement” on social issues as a sledgehammer against a man who experienced a life altering accident against him.

  4. I wonder if Mr. Abbott was (is) offended. We choose to take offense. Only the professionally offended should care that her joke was callous but Abbott is a conservative, so they will not.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”

    Michel de Montaigne

  5. Maybe a whistleblower will emerge with a complaint of conduct which brings the Texas Judiciary into disrepute, calling into question the judge’s impartiality. Time to retire, Judge.


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