Heat now more lethal than cold for people with respiratory diseases in Spain – IOTW Report

Heat now more lethal than cold for people with respiratory diseases in Spain


Women and older adults are the populations most vulnerable to high temperatures

Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

Barcelona, 20 May 2020. A new study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by the “la Caixa” Foundation, has analysed deaths linked to respiratory disease in Spain between 1980 and 2016. The study, which analysed data on more than 1.3 million deaths, found that the seasonality of temperature-attributable mortality from respiratory diseases has shifted from the coldest to the hottest months of the year. The authors concluded that the decrease in temperature-attributable mortality during the winter months is driven not by the rising temperatures associated with climate change, but by the adaptation of the population to lower temperatures.

The study, published in Nature Communications, analysed daily temperature data and mortality counts from respiratory diseases–disaggregated by sex, age group and place of residence–from 48 Spanish provinces. Analysis of the data on mortality due to respiratory diseases revealed an average decline in deaths of 16.5% per decade for the colder months compared to relatively stable figures for the warmer months of the year over the 37-year study period. Temperature-attributable deaths from respiratory diseases went from being most frequent in January and December to reaching their peak in July and August. more

5 Comments on Heat now more lethal than cold for people with respiratory diseases in Spain

  1. Nancy Pelosi did an interview on msNBC just a few hours ago.

    It will be repeated in an hour or so.
    Last Larrys.

    Pelosi is having Icey Cold Hot Flashes.

    NOT recommend watching if you are easily frightened.
    But recording a MUST.

    See the EVIL.
    She is infected with something.
    Something EVIL, LIVE.

  2. If you know any virtue-signalling mask nazi Karens, and are on speaking terms, when this juvenile corona mask fad finally blows over, have fun with it: ask why they stopped caring about public health.

    When he/she looks at you blankly, remind them that TB, flu, even colds are potentially anywhere, can kill someone who is immunocompromised, and that anyone – even them – can be an asymptomatic carrier of numerous respiratory diseases . . . but they stopped wearing a mask in public (as they’re 99.9% certain to do).

    If they still don’t get it, drive the point home: if they REALLY CARED about other people as they claimed to do during corona they’d wear a mask pretty much year round, not just when it’s crisis-fashionable to do so.

  3. I’m sure they based their data on previous years. Without our protective layer of smog or volcanic dust, it’s getting colder. This is the worst spring ever.

    How am I supposed to grow palm trees in Virginia? I’m pissed. 😃

  4. The purpose of the whole mask/social distancing thing is isolation of the people from one another, setting them against one another on a subtle level of conscious awareness, and it is intended to be emotional and psychological distancing, not the public health and safety reason they are using as an excuse.

    Once that’s been done the people become far more pliable and easily manipulated and controlled than if they are freely associating from one another.

    That way they will accept everything from totalitarian control and falsehood to false gods in place of freedom, truth, and the true God which that would otherwise be rejected by the masses.

    Most people don’t even begin to perceive this strategy, much less oppose it for the real reasons they would if they were aware of it.

    It’s actually a brilliant strategy on the part of its originator if you think about it, and one that has successfully transformed a previously reasonably free people into an enslaved one.


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