Heaven has a helluva starting rotation this year – IOTW Report

Heaven has a helluva starting rotation this year

Seaver, Gibson, now Whitey Ford.


12 Comments on Heaven has a helluva starting rotation this year

  1. Because of “Red” + Vin I was a Dodger fan 66 years ago. But Mick + Whitey were THE stars of the 50’s. Excluding the Jarhead from Cal, hint: Saved the millionaire astronaught’s life twice.

  2. The boyhood heroes are passing. Whitey Ford was a great pitcher with a great team supporting him. RIP sir.

    Thinking of him and Whitey Herzog, that innocent nickname would be difficult to keep these days. It’s too bad.

    An albino black man might get away with it.

  3. So these two guys loved to play baseball, high-school, college and every game they could get into, or watch over the years. They ended up in the same nursing home. One day, Bob asked Jim if he thought they played baseball in heaven??. Jim said he didn’t know and they ended up agreeing that who ever died first would get back and tell the other if they did or not. A few years later Jim passed away. And for a few more years Bob never heard from Jim about baseball in heaven or anything else. Then one morning Bob woke up to find Jim sitting on the bottom of his bed. “Well, Bob asked, it took you long enough, do they play baseball in heaven or not??” “Well, Jim replied, there’s good news and there’s bad news.” In response Bob questioned Jim, “What’s the good news?” “Well, said Jim, we play everyday, sometimes twice, all the great players are there.” “Great said Bob, and what’s the bad news??” “Your pitching tomorrow.”


    That was my “name” for decades!


    Thought Id lose my nose in Nam! Then 20 years ago did lose part to skin cancer. Now part of what was my ear is now my nose.


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