Heisman Winner Lamar Jackson: ‘First and Foremost…I Want to Thank My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ’ – IOTW Report

Heisman Winner Lamar Jackson: ‘First and Foremost…I Want to Thank My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ’


(CNSNews.com) – University of Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson was awarded the Heisman Trophy tonight at a ceremony in New York City.

Jackson wore a crucifix around his neck during the day, while doing interviews, and then during the ceremony itself. When he was called up to give his speech on winning the trophy, he said: ‘First and foremost, before I go further along in my speech, I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without him, none of us would be here right now.”

Watch his acceptance speech by clicking here for ESPN.

13 Comments on Heisman Winner Lamar Jackson: ‘First and Foremost…I Want to Thank My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ’

  1. The overarching theme last night (though unintentionally) was that a lot of these players had very strong Moms. Lamar’s father and grandmother had died and his Mom was/is a football coach! Another Mom was so well spoken but dealt with a husband in prison and another son shot to death. Though I am pleased they had great Moms–I was saddened by the lack of Dads. Such a microcosm of what is happening. These young men have a great opportunity in front of them and as KMN said above–I hope they all can make the best of it and stay out of trouble. I was surprised to Johnny Manziel there–speaking of staying out of trouble and ruining all you opportunities.

  2. How about a “Crucifix for a Day” campaign to help raise people’s awareness of what it’s like to be looked down upon for one’s religion?

    For something he chose to feature so prominently it’s stunning how hard it is to find a good picture of it.

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