Help Make America Great Again – IOTW Report

Help Make America Great Again

Trump’s newest website is soliciting new ideas to Make America Great Again:

HT /Merry Mouse- Got the link from ConservativeTreehouse this morning.

31 Comments on Help Make America Great Again

  1. I’m going to throw cold water on this. He doesn’t need a bunch of new ideas. He has a full plate with his campaign promises, plus he will be appointing some good minds with good ideas to fill his cabinet and staff. We don’t need a bunch social media policy wonks trying to shape his administration before it even starts.

  2. Here’s what I sent:
    Yesterday my 2-year old grandson got in a snit and swept all his toys off the table in the living room. His Mom (my daughter) got up, picked him up and placed him in the corner. “We don’t do that here!” she said firmly. He looked at me for sympathy but I frowned at him. He was incensed. BUT…

    It made me think that is EXACTLY what Trump (or “Daddy” as Milo calls him!) needs to do to the media. Put them in the corner! Time Out! Behave yourselves! That’s not how we do it here!

    Dear Reporters: Do you want to cover the new administration? Follow the rules! Don’t editorialize the news! Don’t take quotes out of context! Don’t edit and manipulate the video/audio! I would love to see Trump keep them in the corner until they learn to behave. Let them out to give them a chance and then “Time Out” if they misbehave again. I would also like to see him create diversity in the press pool. For every Clinton donor in the press pool, one Trump donor. Demand that they live up to their own claims of diversity. And I would love for him to have EVERY interview taped, placed on the White House website and a complete transcript posted as well. That would be the standard by which the media would be judged for impartiality. And lastly, if they don’t know what real journalism is, maybe my junior high school journalism teacher could come out of retirement and teach them!

  3. This is what I suggested (didn’t give it a lot of thought, just off the top of my head …) :

    Hold George Soros for Russia – they have issued an order for his arrest. Put Hillary Clinton in Prison just like you said you would. Less regulations, more freedom. Deport anybody who hates America or is here to destroy our constitution and rule of law. I think you know what to do. Just do it. And Thank You for saving America !!!!!!!

  4. @Joe6pak — Yes, but this was a campaign aimed directly at The People and it makes complete sense that The People have something to say about the direction of our country. It’s going to take a while, I imagine, for people to understand that in order to keep a gov’t of, for and by The People, we need to be involved on a daily basis. It’s our inattention and thinking that others can do it for us that landed us on the verge of losing it all in the first place.

    In fact I was just looking at the appointment application process. There are a couple of jobs that I would be interested in pursuing.

  5. I suggested to President Trump that he keep an eye on George Soros, Bob Avakian, Carl Dix, and the Revolutionary Communist Party as they are behind the rioting and civil unrest in the country.
    BobK ditto.

  6. DO NOT FOLD on repealing ALL of Obamacare. DO NOT betray us.

    You have access to all the people who have actual plans to do this and to fix the problems we had that caused Obamacare. Please listen to us and to your advisors.

  7. Amazed that he needs suggestions when the plan is already in place and in one word, CONSTITUTION. Yes, it really is that simple and that one word, is primarily what he was elected for.

  8. Trump needs to stop the temptation to be “Bushy” and a New York elite liberal. If you remember, Bush asked for ideas too, while he reached across the aisle to the DemoRats.
    Enough already. Trump needs to just do what he said he would do – build the wall, Repeal and replace Barry care and keep Muslim terrorists out. Discussion is over, he has to do what we sent him to Washington to do – drain the swamp.

  9. AA, I hope you apply and get appointed to a meaningful position. I bet you would do a great job. I just think that soliciting ideas from John Q. Public two days after winning the election isn’t what I voted for. If he hasn’t already considered the idea that Soros is public enemy number 1, or that the communist party of America does not have our best interests at heart then what the hell did we vote for. I’m just not a fan of kumbaya moments and that is what this looks like to me.

  10. @Joe6pak — Thank you, kind sir. I think I need to just spend a few more days chilling out. I’m still hyped-up from the campaigning and election. 🙂 It must be some form of Post-Election Stress Disorder (PEST), because I know that Trump is not going to go back on anything he promised during his race. Some people are all up in arms about not doing everything to the letter on things like, for example, obamacare. It’s really important to remember that the Left and its media are the progenitors of all the criticism. It’s going to take a while before we have any reason at all to trust the media on anything.

    Thanks again!

  11. Merrymouse—Time out? I spank my grandkids when they do stuff like that–no time out in this house… Its the
    time out parents/grandparents that messed this country up so bad… Use a wooden-spoon on their well padded butts, it only hurts for a few minutes. Time out–sounds like a football or any sports game. LOL 🙂

  12. Just pass’n – I do both and my son is still bad with me. An “angel”, “delight” “wonderful little boy” at school but a devil at home. Not sure why ..
    Anyway, I hope that Trump stands by what he said he would do. I know the media is beginning to say he’s softening up but I’m sure they are just trying to attack him in any way possible.

  13. Kill obamacare. I mean obliverate it.

    Neutralize barry’s executive orders.

    Kneecap the EPA, IRS, DOJ, BATF.

    Prosecute Cankles. And MAKE IT STICK!
    Watch the cockroaches scatter when you turn over those rocks: Comey, Lynch, Jarrett and Abedin.)

    Hold Soros for Russia.

    End financial aid to illegals. Tax wire transfers to other countries.

    Plow Mooch’s garden under.

    It’s a start.
    Do it in the first 100 days while the snowflakes are off-balance.

    P.S. No more muckin’ fuzzies. Refugees, my ass.

  14. Yeah I don’t do time out myself but I was at her house. The kids all know my rules for my house. And someone told me once that kids might act up at home because they “know they are loved!” Mmmmkay.

  15. 1) Pardon all involved in the Hammond and Bundy protests in Oregon & Nevada;
    2) Institute indelible ink on fingers for voting & no more mail in ballots, both measures will ensure one person one vote;
    3) No more election month, show up at the polls on one day and that is it, no multiple days to provide for more voter fraud;
    4) Everyone must re-register to vote with valid ID and ID is required again to vote.

  16. I have thought that soliciting ideas from Americans would be a great idea for years but I think to get a stimulus of excitement going it would be good to make it rewarding by offering persons with ideas that would save the government certain amounts of money to get to live tax free for their ideas.

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