Helpful Tip # 444- Engine Trouble – IOTW Report

Helpful Tip # 444- Engine Trouble


h/t Todd

24 Comments on Helpful Tip # 444- Engine Trouble

  1. Not much need for radiator repair
    shops these days.Most rads today are
    made of aluminum and plastic.When they
    leak you replace them.Not like the old
    days when they were made of brass with lead

  2. This is the worse helpful tip yet. Everyone knows, if you block the hot summer air from getting to the radiator, your engine will run cooler.
    That’s settled science.

  3. All the radiator does is block airflow from the fan that’s flush to it. So yes this will permit more airflow, I think it’s a brilliant idea and will do it today. Thanks.

  4. If you’ve ever worked on internal combustion engines you know that fluid in the radiator is hot as blue blazes. The author of that piece is off base. More air ain’t gonna’ help at all. You need to get rid of that boiling hot fluid. This technique will suffice for that.

  5. @Dadof4 – Yeah, Glock drills are fun, but they only come in a few sizes, two metric (9 and 10 mm) and two English (.40 and .45). For any others, ya gotta buy a conversion kit or go with another drill maker!

  6. In other automotive news,

    1) be sure to run a copious amount of water through your gas tank every 10,000 miles to keep your fuel system rinsed and clean.

    2) rub Vaseline on your wiper blades to stop that annoying scraping noise when they operate

    3) don’t waste your time and money by changing oil. It’s been oil in the ground for millions of years, it’s not going to go bad now

    4) fill your tires with helium. The lighter-than-air gas will offset part of your vehicles weight, resulting in a large increase in fuel efficiency (note – don’t try this with a Cooper Mini or Smart Car, it will float away)

  7. @ Uncle Al

    You say that like it’s a bad thing!

    It’s a Glock! Shooting one is a reward in itself!

    Bonus – once emptied, you can use it as a hammer or wheel chock.

  8. Lazlo had an old Dodge Tradesman Van (’69) I had a problem with overheating on desert trips.
    It had a metal shield to prevent road rocks from coming up into the engine.
    I cut a square on three sides and made an air scoop that funneled air up at the Radiator.
    Took it out of the Red and down into the normal operating range.
    I loved that Van, especially the split windshield

  9. A friend in college ‘fixed’ his girlfriend’s car.
    Her fan belt squealed so he sprayed it with WD-40.
    Soon her battery went dead because he defeated the alternator.
    She was cute so she got herself a new boyfriend.

  10. @TonyR ~ former cycle cop, service-issued sheepskin-lined mittens up to the elbows, sheepskin scarf, w/ a full sheepskin blanket thrown over lap & legs …. full leather, brass & pistol(s), motorcycle boots, jodhpurs & puttees were cold as a titche’s witties in winter (back in the day)
    … my dad loved it … I hate winter!

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