When you hear someone say something is free, they are either… – IOTW Report

When you hear someone say something is free, they are either…

…dumb or a deadbeat. Possibly, both. They most likely support Bernie Sanders, or Hillary.

They could be removed from society without any negative impact whatsoever.

Via Moonbattery


19 Comments on When you hear someone say something is free, they are either…

  1. The left has controlled the scenario for too long in terms of politics and language. It wasn’t too long ago (50 years?) that it was considered shameful to get something for nothing. Time to quit pulling punches and start calling out the deadbeats. How about referring to the political class (the larger deadbeats) and their minions (welfare-“benefit” recipients) as the PARASITE CLASS. If it becomes a meme on the internet then we have succeeded. I don’t doubt that hearing these true words would make the left raving mad (even more so than they already are).

  2. The idiots that believe in “free stuff” will be replaced by robots and the only jobs available to them will be changing the oil in the robots. It won’t be long before they are eating their own. Heck, they already are killing their own off in the womb.

  3. Thank an employer, also. Consider an employee is only capable of providing $5 per hour of service to an employer who is forced to pay a “living wage” of $15 per hour. Think that $10/hr is spawned from no where, let alone the business of making a profit?

  4. Being Southern, I can’t help but think of the people in Appalachia whenever I hear of “I want free stuff”.

    Appalachia is the poorest area of the country monetary wise, but the richest area in the country with faith and family. This region has forever been proud.

    Pride. That’s what’s missing from the Dem controlled cities and their LIV inhabitants.

  5. Uncle Al, I was being charitable. I believe the robots will be able to change their own oil and there will be various service bots as well. My point is if these idiots don’t get a clue, they will become a class below a machine.

  6. To many people who want free stuff lack the nerve to mug someone or rob a house. So they vote for people who will do the thefts for them and make it legal. However, they still can’t make their thievery moral. Just legal.

  7. In writing “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” James Agee ran across an old lady sitting on the porch of her one-room dirt floor Appalachian shack, and asked her what she’d do if she had $10,000.

    She thoughtfully puffed on her pipe, and then replied: “Give it to the Poor.”

  8. It’s not just in this country that nothing’s free – like America’s mean or some shit – Nothing is Free Anywhere in the fucking Universe – with the possible exception of Mother Love.

    (and she may be jivin, too!)

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