Henry Cuellar Got Carjacked in D.C. – IOTW Report

Henry Cuellar Got Carjacked in D.C.

Fox News

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, was the victim of an armed carjacking Monday night in Washington, D.C., Fox News Digital confirmed.

The longtime Democratic congressman was in the Navy Yard neighborhood when the incident took place at about 9:30 p.m., according to U.S. Capitol Police. The agency, along with Metropolitan Police Department, responded to the scene at New Jersey Avenue and K Street Southeast. The entire block is closed off as police investigate.

Police are searching for three suspects, described as Black men wearing all black clothing, in connection with the carjacking, MPD said in an alert. Cuellar’s stolen vehicle, a white Honda CHR, has since been recovered. More

I tried to find out if Cuellar’s a “law and order” kind of politician, but only found an FBI raid on his home in Laredo. Here

Cuellar is very big on earmarks, however, which is a legal form of robber, I would contend. – Dr. Tar

Other notables among the top 20 House earmarkers include Frontliners Matt Cartwright, D-Pa., who leads the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Subcommittee, and Elaine Luria, D-Va. New York’s Sean Patrick Maloney, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and himself a GOP target in November, is also on the list, as is Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, who faces not only tough Republican competition but also a runoff in the Democratic primaries. 

Roll Call, March, 2022

Cuellar: I Hope This Congress Brings Back Earmarks

11 Comments on Henry Cuellar Got Carjacked in D.C.

  1. I love how Liberals talk outta both sides of their fukin pie-holes. First they talk about compassion and defunding the PoPo while destroying every city under their control with drug addtion, homeless and unbelievable levels of perversion, filth and corruption.
    Then, in almost the same breath, they demand that we “clean up” the planet!!

    Fukin hypocrites!!!

  2. Stupid ass democrats decided to flood the streets with black criminals to own the cons and ended up owning themselves. Those jig psychopaths don’t go to the ‘burbs or country where conservative whites live. They go after the easy prey, which is urban, white shitlibs.

  3. They closed off an entire block?
    Somebody please tell me how that would help?
    I’m thinking if they’re in a car they’re probably not gonna hang around until the police arrive which usually is 15 minutes to 2 hours?
    I wonder how this went down? Maybe it was ‘get out of car or I’m gonna put a cap in yer ass’.
    I bet he skipped the Do You Know Who I Am bit.

  4. the future doctors & engineers could have avoided that unpleasant reparations-work by taking advantage of the marion barry midnite basketball & twerking center, was it yt-supremacy that caused them to act inappropriately?


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