“…her art challenges audiences to look at the world in a different way.” – IOTW Report

“…her art challenges audiences to look at the world in a different way.”


Empress Stah hung from her trapeze above the stage as hundreds of Splorers waited for the moment. Her muscular body swung, her legs stretched far apart, and then a laser shot out of her anus and across the crowd. The music, produced by Canadian artist Peaches, was dark and intense as she spun on her hexagonal swing, as the laser butt plug changed colours and size from a single tight beam to a thick rainbow haze. It was athletic, hypnotic, multi coloured, and coming straight out of her arse.

How much is your show and your approach to art about the celebration of our sexuality?

In my work and performances I use my body, often naked, and I wear things inside my body and I deal with issues of gender fluidity and who you are inside, and fetishism, and of course my laser butt plug performance which is starring in the show tonight.


There’s a gif at the site linked that will give you a taste, sorry, of this FANNYtastic act.

Whatever happened to talent?

ht/ The Big Owe

40 Comments on “…her art challenges audiences to look at the world in a different way.”

  1. That’s as pretentious and phony as the interview I heard on NPR, the “artist” was going on and on about “microtones” and “notes between notes”. Only in your own fevered imagination, both of you.

  2. I would prefer to be awash in laser light than a stream of hot, steamy shiite……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. If by saying ““…her art challenges audiences to look at the world in a different way.” you mean look the other way, I get it. Because now I wish I hadn’t looked at all.

  4. From the article:

    “…tolerance feels like such a disappointing aspiration. Here the freaks, and the people who are learning about their freakiness, get so much more than tolerance, they get to be who they want to be. How important are places like this for encouraging something that’s greater than tolerance, but an understanding of eachother?”

    Tolerance was never about tolerance, but rather about forced acceptance for some and, as this quote indicates, conversion to “freakiness” among the more weak-willed and pliable. Getting God and all His silly rules for living a good life cast aside results in more weak-willed and pliable people than ever, all searching for some type of affinity, for someplace to belong, for…something. They don’t even know what. But I’m pretty sure a laser light up the butt will not provide a satisfying answer.

  5. In 19th century France le Petard used to thrill audiences by standing on his head and farting out the French National Anthem.

    Unable to compete with such talent Monet and Renoir hid themselves away and painted.

  6. It’s probably the light off of a Model Train..

    She’s got the whole set up there…Tracks and all.

    “Don’t let the Midnight Special, Shine it’s light on Me!”

  7. So … the guy lighting off bottle rockets from his ass just needed a different venue? Should have hired a “press agent” and called it “art?”


    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I guess she don’t need to worry about any laser beams of intelligence coming out of her ears, nose and mouth.
    What you going to say to children about yourself, when you’re 64?

  9. Han Solo: “Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other and I’ve seen some really weird things, but I’ve never seen a chick shooting blaster fire out her butt.”

    Chewbacca, pointing out to starboard: “Uh, Han…”

  10. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time, not as clumsy or random as a blas–LEIA, WHAT IN THE NAME OF YODA ARE YOU DOING WITH ANAKIN’S LIGHTSABER!?!

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