Her life’s work, gone, after 31 years, due to shutdown – IOTW Report

Her life’s work, gone, after 31 years, due to shutdown

Heartbreaking. Her life’s work, gone, after 31 years.

Just one of many businesses that will not survive the aftereffects of stupid government policy. The worst are the stupid, self-righteous leftists who ridiculed her.

Rest assured that long after she goes bankrupt, Governor JB Pritzker will remain a VERY wealthy man. – C. Steven Tucker


31 Comments on Her life’s work, gone, after 31 years, due to shutdown

  1. There will be no negative consequences for the people responsible for this seizure of power and destruction of America, none at all.

    In fact they will be seen as hero’s by most people, for keeping them safe, and given even more wealth and esteem to reward their actions.

    There is nothing that will be done about this, nothing that will be.

  2. yes, always quarantine the healthy during a dempanic!

    the only way to combat the dempanic is through citizen activism

    your elected representatives are not there to represent you

    government by the people for the connected

  3. They are ignoring decades of actual science and promoting bullshit models that have no basis in fact. And it is destroying the economy, and the economy is what sustains life. And the democrats want it done so that trump can’t say he has a good economy, and so that they can force a vote by mail election in nov.

    We know they will rot in hell, but many of us would like there to be retribution in this life, too. But it never seems to happen.

  4. Anonymous
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 5:35 AM
    “Actually, the Democrats are the bourgeoisie.”


    “bourgeoisie noun

    Definition of bourgeoisie
    members of the bourgeoisie
    also plural in construction : members of the middle class
    how the bourgeoisie are represented in the novel
    2: a class or group of people with social behavior and political views held to be influenced by private-property interest : a social order dominated by capitalists or bourgeois (see BOURGEOIS entry 2 sense 2)”


  5. If there’s one thing the Libtards are NOT it’s the bourgeoisie.
    BoRock really hurt my business. I’m still trying to recover. There will be no accountability from those that didn’t have the authority in the first place to do this. With out their enforcers, LE, they would be laughed at

  6. L“but Beth probably voted dor Hillary Clinton,”

    And there’s the irony. And the retribution. Especially when it comes to California Los Angeles locked down thru summer. Let’s see how that works out. How stupid is the little Mex mayor.

  7. Dem pols tell anyone that disagrees with them to eat shit.
    1 if you don’t like that cuomo ordered nursing homes to take covid virus patients back in, cuomo will tell you to eat shit.
    2. if you don’t like that new york democrats and legislature passed a law a couple of years ago allowing abortion right up till birth, they will tell you to eat shit.

    But republican governors who shut down are scared that someone will say they have blood on their hands if they don’t go full hitler and lock everyone in their homes. These governors have piss running down their legs just thinking of democrats insulting them.
    I want republican pols who will tel democrats to eat shit if they don’t like our policies. And if republican pols can’t do that, then they need to get the hell out of politics and let someone else run who will.

  8. There will be no negative consequences for the people responsible for this seizure of power and destruction of America, none at all.

    The Hell there won’t. Get out and vote!

    Or stop whining.

  9. Thieves will have their part in the Lake of Fire.

    The politicians, authorities, and experts who knowingly cause this are all thieves.

    They knowingly take bread from the mouths of their neighbors. And not even to eat it themselves — just because they could because they had the power to do it.

    They’re actually lower than thieves. They are destroyers and murderers.

    Oh yes, they’ll pay. Do not doubt it.

  10. Bad_Brad.

    I can’t see Hollywood putting up with his bullshit much longer. And I’m excluding the ubër-wealthy Trump hating Streisand types.

  11. This is happening all over. Primarily in states run by power mad, federal money grubbing Demoncrats.
    Here in Maine about 75 small businesses have closed. One in Auburn had been in business for 100 yrs.
    Mills has now extended her fiefdom through June 11.
    These heartless, cruel Dimms are destroying people’s lives and they don’t care. They will get their payback. If not now, sometime.

  12. JDHasty MAY 15, 2020 AT 8:53 AM
    @ Anonymous MAY 15, 2020 AT 5:35 AM

    “Horseshit. The bourgeoisie were productive and independent.”

    …which is WHY Democrats HATE them.

  13. Herman: I will not be an actor in Inslee’s covid theater

    I, for one, have had a belly full of these wantonly destructive shitbag Democrat governors relegating everyone to sitting around like a bunch of fuckwad Democrats, choking the covid chicken for months on end. Not that the circle of friends and acquaintances I converse with is representative of the population at large, but damn near everyone I talk to feels the same way.

  14. Meanwhile I can show you gatherings of over 50 people in a Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes or grocery stores at any given moment! The hypocrisy is staggering! There is no question that democRATz did not let this “good crisis” go to waste and they will continue to milk it for all its worth until November! America and Americans be damned!
    Don’t fergit the democRAT motto:
    Wherever there’s wrong-doing, they’ll be there.
    Wherever there’s corruption, they’ll be there.
    Wherever there’s injustice, they’ll be there.
    wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on the little guy, they’ll be there too…
    helping to hold the little guy down!!

  15. Living in a red state with a Republican governor, many Republican mayors, I haven’t seen much difference in the democrats and Republicans. Somewhat surprising to me I didn’t even see much of a difference between big city mayors and small city mayors regardless of party. It was like they all wanted to try and out do the others.
    To any rational thinking person all of it has been ignorant. I could have maybe seen it if that first two weeks when we were told we were shutting down if they had shut everything down except hospitals, ambulances, fire, cops, but nope lets leave grocery stores, lumber yards, hardware stores, and WalMart open. That was when people should have understood this isn’t about a deadly virus.

    If I had my way any idiot who says we’re following “CDC guidelines” would be tarred and feathered.

  16. That poor lady. How infuriating. This is going to happen to the wrong person, if it hasn’t already. A person with nothing left to lose is dangerous.

  17. Bourgeoisie, Smourgeoisie.

    We live in a “classless” society. There IS NO middle-class.
    There IS middle-income.
    We fawn and mewl over politicians and celebrities because we’re fukkin morons – not because they’re “upper-class” and we’re “middle” or “lower” class.

    This whole Wuhan Flu, dem-panic hoax was designed to destroy our economy.
    Beginning to see why Pelosi held up the transfer of the Articles of Impeachment, yet? Huh? Anybody paying attention? She (at least) knew of the impending release of the virus. Funny how those chinks came into New York all decked out with masks BEFORE the outbreak, isn’t it? Funny how nobody could figure out why Pelosi held the Articles, isn’t it?

    The economy shut down because we’re a bunch of gullible fucks who panicked and ran around in circles with our hands over our heads cuz some lying fucks made noises about the flu!

    Every country has the government it deserves.
    8 years of Obola and we’re still falling for stupid shit.

    We need to Wake the Fuck Up.
    (sorry for the un-deleted expletives, but I get pissed)

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. A few examples of a red state not being safe from the bureaucrats and Republicans and Democrats.
    Our Oklahoma Health Department on FB is sharing all of these pictures of National Guard and other tracers sitting in rooms on phones calling people ordering them into quarantine. Thanking all of them for their service.
    While at the same time posting free mental health for those dealing with the pandemic.

    Then the OKC health department has a little flow chart for you. At the top is the person with confirmed virus being isolated for 10 days, on the left are all their contacts showing symptoms or being confirmed isolated for 10 days. On the right though is all their contacts without symptoms and non-confirmed isolating for 14 days.

    Yeah, you best not call me I because I will be hanging up on you and I will not be tested, quarantined or vaccinated. When I’m sick with anything that might be contagious I don’t go out in public, but like hell I will be ordered by the government to not leave my house sick or well.

    We do though have our own little network if they start trying to come to our house forcing us out or in. If they start that I can see lives lost on both sides if their side fires the first shot.

  19. I feel bad for her. I really do. and it is a loss for the people in Illinois. but my first question to her would be how have you been voting for those 30 years you were in business?

  20. Jerry Manderin
    I think the Hollywood types probably have the means to escape. But there’s a sea of humanity down there that is not going to sit at home over the summer. Just wait for the first hot spell. It will explode.

  21. @formwiz May 15, 2020 at 6:58 am

    > The Hell there won’t. Get out and vote!

    And @formwiz wins The Internets! This, the current, day!

    Hm? What? Oh. It seems I’m having a Steve Harvey moment. I’ve been informed that @formwiz was serious. The Special Internets are still closed, due to the virus panic. Sorry, @formwiz.

    Oh, stop whining.

  22. @Deplorable Second Class May 15, 2020 at 8:08 am

    > All brought to you by the Uni-party. Time for an actual third party that wins often.

    And, now the actual winner of The Internets! This, the current, day.

    Again!? I’m startin’ to feel like Governor Blackface, here.

  23. Beachmom

    Up here in North Maine, most small resturaunts don’t have enough room to seat more than two tables.
    I supply potatoes to a number of them, and one girl said with tears in her eyes that she had been there 26 years, and was nearly out of savings.
    She will be better off to stay as takeout until this utter insanity subsides.

  24. @Handsome Farmer, Mills’ legacy is going to be the destruction of Maine.
    Did you see Shah’s CDC refused to test employees at nursing homes when requested to see if they had Covid?
    Another fine mess and more lives he’s cost because of crappy decisions. No wonder there’s an ad out for a new CDC Director. Although the ad says no medical training required so I figure General Mills has someone in mind.

    Almost all the deaths here in Maine have been in elderly facilities. The rest of the state should just be open. No special precautions.
    It won’t happen until people develop the spine to defy General Mills en masse.

    At least you aren’t down here in MassNYNJ North.


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