Her thing in life was to learn how to run like a horse – IOTW Report

Her thing in life was to learn how to run like a horse

Do they put peanut butter in her mouth to make her look like she’s talking?

horse’s ass

45 Comments on Her thing in life was to learn how to run like a horse

  1. Love takes so many wondrous forms

    Well here we go again…another “normal” human variation to be celebrated/elevated. You think this is weird? You’re weird!!

  2. I’m wondering, in a horrified sort of way, if she has any children.

    Imagine a friend to one of them walking by the house, then later asking, “Since when is your mom a furry?”

  3. Did Ayla’s parents not realize, unlike other children, when asked “how old are you”, she’d stomp her foot?

    Did they not suspect when the only food she’d eat were carrots. she’s “un-stable”?

    Apparently Ayla never broke a leg as she’s still with us.

  4. Questions:
    1) what bathroom does she use?
    2) where does she sleep (house or barn)?
    3) Doctor or vet?
    4) male or female horse or “gender fluid”
    5) are her hands to callus for a handy?
    6) is healthcare for a horse free in the Netherlands?
    7) can she get a drivers license?
    8) can she travel freely throughout the EU or does she need to be quarantined between countries?

    Please add to this list. You guys usually have some great perspective.

  5. Good arm strength.
    Don’t believe I could jump over a picnic table onto my arms without breaking something.
    The woman’s sick – horses don’t wear clothes – well, maybe blankets in winter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Bloody Squareheads. It is no wonder the Mohammedans are taking over the Scandinavian countries.

    Sad, just sad. They went from Viking Berserkers raping and pillaging all of Europe to THIS?
    Nordic Supremacy, my ass!

  7. 3 words:
    It’s a sickness and it’s real. We currently have 23 head standing at my dad’s farm. My Step-mother is afflicted by this very debilitating and financially devastating disease. $4000.00/m feed bills, outrageous vet bills, transportation costs to/from horse shows… it goes on and on…. at the end of it all there is hardly enough for me to buy a nice pre-war Martin d-28 or a Llyod Loar Gibson mandolin.

  8. I ain’t going to do that, I mean I don’t want a fat ass like she has. WTF! I bet the Mooch being the chimp that she is, could do that. I bet that’s how she/he got their fat ass….reverting back to their ancestors gallop.

  9. If she wasn’t dingbat crazy, I might not have any desire for a sandwich.
    But she is. She must’ve stayed outside to long without a warm hat on during the Norwegian winter. A sandwich is the way to go – my thoughts are focused on a BST; bacon, spinach, and tomato samich.


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