Here Comes the Christian Caliphate – IOTW Report

Here Comes the Christian Caliphate

This site, the Freedom Outpost, is giddy over talk about making sodomy, between a man and a woman, punishable by death. Michigan has already cleared a bill that could punish a person with life in prison for giving or receiving oral sex. (Remember folks, sodomy is also oral sex, not just anal sex.)

These lunatics have the gall to call themselves the “Freedom” Outpost. As you read you will see how intellectually retarded these dangerous loons are as they cite the Bible as the source that would make this law constitutional, seemingly unaware, or not caring, about the establishment clause.

I once asked a reader if they would welcome a theocracy in this country. Their answer was, “welcome it?” That’s what we’re fighting for.”

“We’re” was supposed to mean me, as well. I have news for you. Christians are great. I’m a Christian. I reserve the right not to be a Christian and not be subjected to prison for not following the tenets of the Bible.

This is why I loathe Islam and Sharia.

Tell me now. Is this what you all think we are fighting for, the day when getting a hummer gets you life in prison, or worse?

Freedom Outpost —  

Matt McLaughlin introduced a ballot initiative that would provide for death as a penalty for those engaging in sodomy. He’s doing that in California! Talk about being bold as a lion!

The embracing and propagandizing of immoral behavior, whether it is among heterosexuals or sodomites is part of what is leading our country down the road of destruction. And lest you think that engaging in these practices is something to be called “liberty,” I’ll remind you that the Lord Jesus Christ said, “Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin (John 8:34).'” Submitting yourself to these things does not free you, it enslaves you. This is the reason Christ came and that is to save sinners from their sin, not leave them in it.

… I believe more and more people are being educated on the Constitution and brushfires of freedom are being set in the minds of men, which point them to the only real means of securing liberty and that is God’s Law.


Sirs, you have reading comprehension problems, or you’re looking at some other constitution.

HT/ Sam S.

28 Comments on Here Comes the Christian Caliphate

  1. How would such a thing even be enforced? Gonna install spycams everywhere so even married people get busted if they deviate from “approved” practices for super-happy-married-private-fun-time?

    If I remember correctly, FO was largely populated by rabid Ron Paul freaks back in 2012. Pretty sure I had gotten trolled by em back in the last GOP POTUS primary cycle. Bunch of kooks!

  2. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Religion and Government should be two separate things. Some of the greatest tragedies in human history have come from combining the two. And when I say Government, I’m including politics, too. Even Jesus said, “‘My kingdom is not of this world”.

    Let’s keep it that way.

  3. …more people are being educated on the Constitution and brushfires of freedom are being set in the minds of men, which point them to the only real means of securing liberty and that is God’s Law.

    That isn’t God’s Law. That is your perverted concept of God’s Law. You will never know God’s Law with your head up your ass.

    Hey – is sticking your head up your own ass sodomy?

  4. I have not looked but I’ll bet a dollar to a generic fig newton that these folks are tied one way or another with the Dominionist/Kingdom Now theocratic movements that under various names are sprinkled here and there among prot (and possible Catholic and Mormon) elements of Christendom. Some openly advocate a return to Mosaic law, by force if necessary. They are ALL wholly legalistic and know little or nothing of grace (which, I hasten to add, is NOT any excuse to sin; the apostle Paul addressed that thoroughly).

    They are not believers in the Gospel of the grace of God, so as a Bible only fundamentalist, I denounce and repudiate them all, as does every like-minded believer I know. They are not of us.

  5. I’ve read the Bible several times, and in many different translations. And I’ve read the Torah. I have never seen anything in any of these books that puts restrictions on what a man and wife can intimately do in the bedroom. So I would have to say that these people are full of shit.

    They have designed their own religion, maybe even their own god.

  6. Okay, I looked and stopped when I saw the name Rushdoony favorably referenced. End of story right there. For those who don’t know, he was a hard core reconstructionist/theonomist (another strain of the same thing described above: imposing the Law of Moses upon all).

    I’ll take my generic fig newton now. The ones from Dollar Tree are fine.

  7. And by the way…when they want to impose the Law upon all, that means all of it, including all the penalties up to and including death for breaking the Law. So yeah…they want what would amount to a de facto judaized “Christian” caliphate.

  8. A reprobate cult that uses Christianity as a prop would be a pagan caliphate. Satanists incorporate Christian rituals routinely – definitely doesn’t make them Christians.
    The closest thing to a Christian caliphate is the Roman Catholic Chuch.

  9. I don’t recall the words “blow job” in either the Bible or the Constitution. Nor the word “cunnilingus.”

    And even Onan didn’t “jerk off” but “threw his seed on the floor” – and was, actually punished for defying his father – NOT for pulling his dick.

  10. grool,
    No Mormons involved that I’m aware of, and I live in the heart of Salt Lake County.
    But I can’t answer for those Mormons down in Utah County, they always were an odd bunch.

  11. I thought the idea was WE ALL MIND OUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS! Seems the only way we achieve what the founding father had in mind. The day Christians begin to impose themselves & their doctrine like muzzies,is the day I treat them like muzzies.

  12. The people who are pushing this junk are salivating at the idea of “violent Christians.”

    The Pharasies who believe that it is even possible to keep the law, simply don’t understand the purpose of the law.

    1 Corinthians 15:56 he says, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.”

    The law through the Spirit, convicts you of sin. It’s purpose is to show you that you are not capable of fulfilling the law. Only Christ was able to keep and fulfill the law.

    The bible is clear, from the New Testament:
    Romans 8:2. “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.”

    Romans 6:14, “For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.”

    A Christian is under a new covenant in Christ. Free from the law of sin and reconciled to the Father.

    Of the last sayings of Christ on the cross, none is more important or more poignant than, “It is finished.” Found only in the Gospel of John, the Greek word translated “it is finished” is tetelestai, an accounting term that means “paid in full.” When Jesus uttered those words, He was declaring the debt owed to His Father was wiped away completely and forever. Not that Jesus wiped away any debt that He owed to the Father; rather, Jesus eliminated the debt owed by mankind—the debt of sin.

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