Here is Naples, Italy, where a ban on fireworks because of Covid was instituted – IOTW Report

Here is Naples, Italy, where a ban on fireworks because of Covid was instituted

11 Comments on Here is Naples, Italy, where a ban on fireworks because of Covid was instituted

  1. That was pleasant to watch. A resounding FU to the tyrant mayor by the rabble. I think that’s the only way to win against this globalist BS is to shove the edicts of the elitists right back into their faces. These people are tun-of-the-mill bullies for the most part and the best way to handle a bully is to punch him in the nose …… right before you apply a brick and claw hammer to his head with great force and righteous anger.

  2. Mayors in Italy don’t rule ANYTHING.

    The Mob Does.

    The mayor serves at the pleasure of the Bosses.
    And who do you think is launching the fireworks?

  3. Gee Wally, the mayor is a Perfesser…
    Gaetano Manfredi is an Italian university professor and politician. t

    Now that right there is whutcha call a double shot of Certified Bullshit!

  4. It’s a start.

    Now, run those bursts through a tube, put a piece of lead in front of them, and aim them at liberal politicians, and this could all be over in a few bloody hours.


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