Here’s a downlifting story – Incest participants in suicide/murder – IOTW Report

Here’s a downlifting story – Incest participants in suicide/murder

The left would see this story as a shame, because a father and daughter in love should have the right to boink and supply the gene pool with potential mentally infirm voters – or as I like to call them, democrats.

A husband and wife gave up their daughter for adoption when she was an infant. When she grew up she looked for them. One day she knocked on their door. She was invited to stay with the mother and father and their 2 kids. Soon after, the biological father started having bedroom romps with the daughter.

The eleven year old sister walked in on the act. (She was already afraid of the dad, having dubbe him satan.)

The newly unearthed daughter was keeping a journal, detailing the sexual exploits. The wife read it and turned them into the police.

They were arrested and released on bond, and ordered not to see each other. Not only did they break the conditions, they ran away and had a baby.

Back at their house, authorities found their baby murdered. Hundreds of miles away in another state, cops found the pair dead in a pickup truck with gunshot wounds.

But that’s not all! There’s more!!! Somehow, the girl’s adoptive father was found dead, also shot.

I’m not quite sure I understand the story fully, or even have it right. All I know is a lot of people are dead, and the left sucks.

Blame PHenry for sending this depressing mess to me.



11 Comments on Here’s a downlifting story – Incest participants in suicide/murder

  1. Thanks for not saying Hat Tip.
    It’s just a barometer of how fucked up this society
    has become.

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be be done on Earth, as it is in heaven….

    You know the rest.

  2. ….” and forgive us, AS WE FORGIVE THEM”……

    that there is the hard part, dangit…….

    i cannot forgive somethings……this probbly means i’m not going to be forgiven…..


    i keep depending on His mercy…..all i can do……He knows i would if i could…..i hope…….

  3. My bank, with whom I am about to part ways because of their asinine treatment of gun businesses, has on their home page, ”Love has no labels!”. Whatever the hell THAT means. Hey, Banco de America, is this what you mean? Incestuous ”love” has no labels? 🤮

  4. It’s Leviticus 18, 20 and Deuteronomy.

    Don’t be male faygela and don’t bang relatives or animals. Some serious demonic shit enters your soul and makes, well, heinous mutant consequences and death. Like in this example.

  5. Now, I’m not sure there is a prohibition on your step-aunt, the hot one with big titties, jerking you off on a Tuesday. We’ll have to check with the Vogons on that one.


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