Here’s a pleasant Friday night story about your fellow man… savage, animalistic “men” – IOTW Report

Here’s a pleasant Friday night story about your fellow man… savage, animalistic “men”


A man is scheduled to plead guilty today to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation four years ago.

 …she had been drinking with friends during a party when her friends decided to move to a rural location outside the village. Her friends got into a vehicle, and the girl was dragged “for a short distance by her friends and run over by the vehicle,” the statement reads.

She was left behind, “severely injured” and “intoxicated to the extent that she was passing in and out of consciousness.”

Shortly after, Cottier and a male relative who lived with him came upon the girl. They brought her back to their home, and Cottier had sex with the girl while her hands were restrained, according to the statement attached to Cottier’s plea agreement.

Cottier and another male relative then took the girl to the Pine Ridge hospital, where she reported the assault while being treated for her injuries.

That’s just great, no? These people not only vote, California thinks they should vote AFTER doing stuff like this!
The left has really put our country on a terrific path, haven’t they?
ht/ wait for it

21 Comments on Here’s a pleasant Friday night story about your fellow man… savage, animalistic “men”

  1. @BB Yes, me too. I wish it wasn’t over but there is hope that they’ll make Longmire movies. Tried to go to Longmire Days in Buffalo WY last year-not something to plan at the last minute. Not a hotel room to be found for 50+ miles…

  2. @Benito the Bombed Beaner:

    There were so many embedded ads, I couldn’t find the article! Geeze what a crappy website! (Rapid City Urinal)

  3. Illustr8r

    You didn’t miss much unless you like being around drunk cowboy wannabes.
    Buffalo is a really nice town I have worked there a lot. Great food for a little town plus the mountains!

    But I am not much of a fan of drunks so longmire days

  4. BB I liked Wind River but the urge to make white men always evil irritates the shit out of me. Especially since the reservations have so much incest, rape and incest rape going on.
    But it was a great character they put together and I liked the old West theme, lone guy with a non military gun dropping people from Long range.

  5. Frank
    “but the urge to make white men always evil irritates the shit out of me”
    Honestly, I didn’t take it that way at all. The scroll at the end of the movie was disturbing. But I’ll admit I have a soft spot for Injuns. The real native Americans continually get screwed. Fuck the Mexicans, and quit frankly the blacks. I really believe these people need a hand up. Doubt me? Look at life on the res.

  6. Good to know @Frank! I hate crowds (it sounded like fun) but drunk cowboy wannabes aren’t for me. We have a trip planned to Cheyenne maybe this fall or next year…Buffalo may or may not make the list-depends on how much driving we feel like doing.

  7. This is the rez. This is not a rare occurance. Violence, attacks, beatings, abandonment, you name it, it happens there and often.

    we like longmire too but the location! LOL, filming in NM fools some of the people all of the time. I know we’ve had this conversation before and most of you probably know its not filmed in Wy.

    @Gator, I just drove through the navajo rez in N. AZ, just as pitiful as pine ridge rez.


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