NYP: The ugly 2016 presidential election finally ended with Donald Trump as the winner. The media did not take Trump seriously as a candidate throughout the race due to early polling and his hot-headed temperament. Here are instances in which top journalists insisted a Trump presidency would never come to fruition.
15 Comments on Here’s a roundup of journalists insisting Trump would never win
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I got jack shit done today. I deserved a day off, I work every day of the week so fuck it. I just reveled watching REgressives crying their eyes out and reading the disbelief at leftie sites. Videos like this are fantastic-Chuck Todd saying these are fantasy polls MAN-oh brother, his testicles still haven’t come down.
Fucking shoe on the other foot is a bitch ain’t it?
I continue as I always have, to fart in their general direction while making offensive hand gestures. Kiss my hairy Irish ass you priggish pukes.
Hell, I didn’t think Trump could win. I don’t think Trump thought he was gonna win. He pulled off a minor landslide at $5 per vote. That’s just how shitty a candidate Hillary really was.
“The MSM is a self licking lollipop” – heard on FBN the night of the election
THIS GUY said Trump would NEVER be PRESIDENT – http://politopinion.com/2016/11/media-defeats-trump-mr_pinko-video/
Mr Pinko
Thank You! I enjoyed that:)
In debates in particular, Donald Trump was frequently abrasive and had no problem interrupting anyone who attacked him. In fact, he skipped a primary debate. He was very accessible to the media, but did not court them and frequently attacked them. He spoke clearly and in a manner designed to be understood by everyone as opposed to the flowery language devoid of content usually favored by politicians.
Trump addressed issues important to middle Americans. He proposed a wall as a solution to illegal immigration. Recognizing that roughly 100% of terrorism is currently committed by Muslims, he proposed a ban in Muslim immigration unless thorough vetting could be implemented. Trump didn’t care if he was politically correct, and instead of relying on extensive advertising and carefully controlled media sessions, he took his case to America through his rallies. He could take the shots directed at him by other candidates and wasn’t afraid to give back – I have never heard a candidate promise to jail his or her opponent before.
For the last decade or so, liberals have advocated for things that are counter to what most Americans believe, and are frequently devoid of any logic or reason. Trump refused to pussyfoot around this dynamic, and attacked the double standards and elitism that liberals are so fond of. His solutions may have seemed, at times, sophomoric but they were common sense and I’ll be damned if I could think of any better proposals.
So yes, by the standards of prior political races Trump should have lost badly. But when you have Nancy Pelosi claiming that Congress needs to pass a bill to see what’s in it, or a President that lies about the readily foreseeable effects of his major legislative accomplishment, or Harry Reid telling bald faced lies about Romney in 2012, or Hillary Clinton committing criminal acts and counting on the media and liberal elite to cover for her, or corruption and unethical behavior on the part of the IRS and Justice Department, Donald J. Trump was the right candidate to run the right race. It just wasn’t the type of race journalists were prepared for or used to seeing.
this is gonna hurt them a long time. might even leave a stain.
Why don’t we make a list of the people in the media, the blogosphere and people that supported him from the start, the list would be shorter.
Now everyone is on the Trump Train, those of us who stuck out are necks in the beginning got the crap kicked out of us, yes I remember.
Wyatt — Fabulous comment! There’s only one thing I would modify: All those issues you mentioned appealed to all Americans who want American sovereignty, to be able to go to a restaurant or nightclub and not be murdered by a muslim, etc.
Nice comment. Thanks.
Juan Williams FOX, is the black Glenn Beck. Both are fucking nuts
Well said Wyatt! And venturaguy, I heard they same thing and was trying to remember it, “the MSM is a self licking lollipop”. That was great line.
The word “journalist” should be in quotes.
The proper designation for the station formerly called “fair and balanced” is FooxUp Newz.
Repeat it to toursel several times, you will get the message!!!
The proper designation for the station formerly called “fair and balanced” is FooxUp Newz.
Repeat it to yourself several times, you will get the message!!!y
sorry for the functional illiteracy!