Here’s the info I’ve been given on the autofill glitch – IOTW Report

Here’s the info I’ve been given on the autofill glitch

There is a new compliance law that has come out of Europe (GDPR-General Data Protection Regulation) and it has had ramifications here in the U.S. (I’ve gotten dozens of emails alerting me to the impact it will have on this thing and that thing. Today was the last day for voluntary compliance.)

The server says it’s not them causing an issue, WordPress has not admitted to any errors. So, that leaves us with the theory that’s been given to me that your settings have been updated without your knowledge.

Try it and see.


Firefox > Options > Privacy & Security > Autofill need to be checked.

46 Comments on Here’s the info I’ve been given on the autofill glitch

  1. another law–updated without my knowledge? dam whats a person to do? 🙂 and i had to re-enter my name etc… maybe i’ll just pass on thru without a comment from now on… 🙂

  2. gonna be a lot of comments by anonymous from now on…

    ….and I do believe this is a WordPress problem to fix. Auto fill works as needed on other websites….

  3. Yeah, ALL my auto sign-ons are screwed up.
    Apple did an update, they wouldn’t let me continue without it.
    Everything is screwed up and many sites no longer “remember me”.
    And,,, don’t get me started with the captcha sign on with their tiny pictures you have to scrutinize for a road sign.

  4. When I first got Firefox, I checked autofill. I looked at it right now and it is still checked. But part of yesterday and this morning, I had to enter my info several times.

    My info is here now (unlike this morning), so if it was updated without my knowledge, then somehow it was re-updated to check autofill. Or it had nothing to do with checking the autofill box and it was WordPress not admitting they goofed.

  5. Some sites lag with FIREFOX. I noticed it last week. I believe Firefox did some updates around that time. I wish other browsers would make it easier to transfer bookmarks. I have at least 900 links.

    Just to clarify, I use Firefox on MacBook Pro. No issues with auto-fill.

  6. Ah, MJA, you could be correct. Firefox did an update either yesterday or the day before. I don’t recall when the last time I filled in my info and then noticed that it kept it, but it’s there now, so I’m not going to fret about it!

  7. Run Mint xfce (latest update) and Chrome. Just cleared Chrome cache and rebooted. No auto-fill, however, I did add my screen name to the auto fill so at least it shows up when right clicking the Name field. If that’s what I have to do to add my useless comments to this site; so be it.

  8. Be dam yer tests…There is only on boss….mew….I us Safari cuz I’m Africa Bob an Safari happened in Africa….I know own *WordPress*….suffer birtches!…

    It’s defiantly word press that is the problem……

  9. I checked that the autofill is good,but then went to You tube and in the comment section at the top it says….
    Commenting Publicly as—-My Real Name.
    I have NEVER commented on You tube. I use Duck Duck Go.
    I then tried Google, and it showed the same thing. How in the world did it get my real name? and How do I get rid of it?
    I have commented at the Front Page Mag bout 3 or 4 times.And IOTW That’s it.

  10. Anniegirl—
    Well, for youtube, if you are logged on in Gmail at the moment, your name will show up same as your email account.

    If you use BING, and are logged in to Outlook or Hotmail, same thing happens with BING applications/ products.

    If you’re logged into any google stuff, or microsoft, Apple stuff on your phone, You have to physically sign out of them, too.

    Apparently, something hinky is going on in the internet right now and no one is saying anything about it.

  11. doesn’t work unless I click on ‘Name’ every time … not like a couple of nights ago when nick was automatically filled in
    … & yes, autofill is on

    using Edge, btw

  12. Definitely something hinky going on. Never had this issue before and I NEVER set auto fill on my phone. But I did receive this tweet today from the FBI warning to reset my router.
    No thanks, I’ll take my chances w/hackers in the hope they have less nefarious plans for my data. Gee, can you tell I’m soured on the intel community?
    I’ll just have to remember to retype my name w/each post, unless I’ve embarrassed myself, then I’ll stick w/anonymous.

    Another issue keeps happening when I hit post comment, I receive the message “you’re posting too quick”. I don’t do anything too quick!

  13. cant believe no one pointed out the obvious. Russians.

    or those 2 pakistanis from debbie washerwoman shultz have hacked everything.

    (no autofill)


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