Here’s what Broward schools knew about Parkland shooter — details revealed by mistake – IOTW Report

Here’s what Broward schools knew about Parkland shooter — details revealed by mistake

They knew they dropped the ball on Cruz. They handed out a heavily redacted file, but when pasted into a computer file the text was revealed. Can this incompetent county, Broward, do anything right?


…the district largely followed the laws, providing special education to the shooter starting when he was 3 years old and had already been kicked out of day care. But “two specific instances were identified,” the report says, where school officials did not follow the requirements of Florida statute or federal laws governing students with disabilities.

Those instances:

— School officials misstated Cruz’s options when he was faced with being removed from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School his junior year, leading him to refuse special education services.

— When Cruz asked to return to the therapeutic environment of Cross Creek School for special education students, the district “did not follow through,” the report reveals.

In part because of the errors, Cruz had no school counseling or other special education services in the 14 months leading up to the shooting on Feb. 14, the report says.



21 Comments on Here’s what Broward schools knew about Parkland shooter — details revealed by mistake

  1. And the very first reaction from politicians was to pass another gun law. That includes governor Ichabod who’s now battling for a senate seat. He didn’t do himself or us any favors when he pulled that stunt.

  2. The lefties scam is to pass lots
    and lots of laws that lead to mayhem
    and destruction. They then claim
    they need more laws to “fix the
    problem” and around and around we
    go, each time losing more freedoms.

  3. If it wasn’t a gun, it would have been a bomb or stabbing or chemical attack. The school system and his parents dropped the ball and let it roll downhill. The media and drama queen protestors and politicians never ask about the person behind the gun, do they? Nah, just trying to take rights away from the innocent.

  4. Instead of shooting up a school, he should have ran for President as a Democrat. Then we would never have gotten to see his school and mental health records.

  5. There is a reason there used to be “institutions” way out in the woods for crazy people to be put in. It seems unfair, but they are crazy and it is best that they are put someplace where they are less likely to harm others.


    a roledex of excuses whenever their social policies blow up in their face. It’s a distraction technique so people don’t start asking tough questions they can’t answer.

  7. A student can only refuse special ed services when they reach the age of majority, which is 18. If they do not refuse it, those services can legally continue until 21, as when sp. ed students go on to college, tech school, or just delays graduation from the homs school.

    It sounds like the district had had enough of him after 15 years, but if they somehow tricked him into signing himself out of special ed, that is a huge lawsuit in itself right there. That would amount to a denial of FAPE.

    But not only is that grounds for a lawsuit. If that is what happened, it might be seen as the district was instrumental in causing the shooting.

  8. Let’s be honest, no help would have prevented this guy from shooting up the school. The issue is it is very difficult to cut kids loose from the public school system for almost any reason. Some people are wired wrong from the get go. Bring mental institutions back.

  9. Maybe he would have no matter what. All I’m saying is, if he begged not to leave his home school but being sent elsewhere increased his stress to where he finally snapped, the home school that gave him the option of signing himself into general education (meaning all the supports he had for 15 years were gone) is going to answer for that…especially if they somehow fooled or cornered him into doing it.

    However it shakes out the district screwed up majorly on this.

  10. Every day, there are born people who when they are older will be violent. No evil plot or plan does this. It is the vagaries of the human mind.

    By the same token, a saint will be born. A doctor will be born, a peacemaker will be born. This obviously goes on.

    My point is that if not Cruz, another will take his place. We have to accept that in a free society, there are people bent on harming others and we can do little to prevent it. As we head off one potential killer another launches their attack.

    The victims are usually innocent people who did nothing to deserve such a fate. On occasion, the victims were persecutors and while I do not ascribe to ‘an eye for an eye’ I understand the motivation for revenge.

    Gun control statistically cannot be proven to prevent any gun violence at all. It is impossible to generate such a statistic.

    On the same hand, you cannot prove that the availability of guns legally does anything to increase gun violence. Again, it is impossible to generate such statistics.

    When you add fear to an issue is when the logic dies and the convoluted hyper and overreacting politician can push a law restricting guns onto a people even when logic says it will make no appreciable difference. So why?

    It is because the liberal always wants to be seen as ‘taking care’ of their constituency. They need to be ‘saviors’, and ‘for the people’. That is their claim to fame. They, the liberals, assume the people cannot take care of themselves.

    So, if you want someone else ‘taking care of you’ by all means vote democrat as you will not notice your rights being slowly taken away.

  11. “The victims are usually innocent people who did nothing to deserve such a fate. On occasion, the victims were persecutors and while I do not ascribe to ‘an eye for an eye’ I understand the motivation for revenge.”

    That’s because “eye for an eye” has long been misunderstood as justification and excuse for revenge. In the Scriptures, it was never that. The point was only for equitable justice and compensation, not justification for avenging oneself. Vengeance is God’s job; only He can judge with the absolute knowledge of all facts, which is required for true justice, and so dispense the perfectly appropriate verdict.

  12. MJA, if Cruz was brought up by his biological parents that would be an ideal situation. Tucker pushes this point frequently. However, Cruz’s adoptive mother saw him born, and Cruz witnessed the death of his biological father when he was 6.

  13. You could tell by the look of his face when he was arrested that he was barely a member of the same species as the rest of us. Something completely off in him.

    I’ve heard it suggested that because he appears to be Eastern European, he had fetal alchohol syndrome

    And they didn’t “drop the ball” on him. They intentionally threw a pic six. Because his last name was Cruz, they allowed a kid who was blatantly criminally insane to have access to a gun

  14. Q: why so few mass shootings before the sixties compared to now days?
    We had guns everywhere, we had bullies, we had crazies and alcohol.
    I contend it’s the left that has their finger prints all over this.
    Every shooting is a new opportunity to take guns away.

  15. Camera Hogg ought to do something more important. He ought go after the Broward county officials, Obammy, and Holderthe – the ones really responsible for the school massacre.

  16. @Toenex

    One reason is they took God out of the schools.

    And if shitlibbed libshits demand to know exactly how this is the cause, you point out that when God was sent away so was the certainty of a horrible fate in the afterlife for anyone who committed murder/suicide. Without hell, suicide is an easy out

    Nowadays we’ve replaced hell with notoriety — clearly a better way to deal with the problem

  17. Wait just one minute, has anybody come out and said they saw him Shoot a gun at all ? What about the guys in full FBI gear seen shooting by multiple people, I don’t get it at all do we pretend the Media scenario is correct and Prosecute the Boy they all Set Up to do the shooting ???


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