Here’s What Makes Modernizing Afghanistan Impossible – IOTW Report

Here’s What Makes Modernizing Afghanistan Impossible


American Thinker:

The current difficulties in Afghanistan have structural causes that are more serious than cyclical ones such as sanctions.  The recent measures taken by the United Nations at the suggestion of the Biden administration may not be enough for a country that has been dependent on foreign aid for decades.

Since the Taliban took control of Kabul last August, their regime has reduced the already limited freedoms available to Afghan citizens.  On December 26, the Taliban’s Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice declared that women could not travel more than 45 miles without being accompanied by a male relative.  Along with the restrictions, the state of the economy, which was already very bad despite international aid, has worsened, especially because Washington has frozen nearly $9.5 billion from the Afghan Central Bank and the World Bank has suspended aid.

On December 22, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution proposed by the United States to facilitate humanitarian aid in a country where food prices have risen sharply.  Two weeks earlier, the World Bank had announced $280 million in humanitarian aid to be disbursed by UNICEF and the World Food Programme to Afghanistan.

This collapse is due to more than the sanctions.  The causes are fundamental and linked to a social organization and a culture that have made it difficult to truly modernize Afghanistan’s structures for decades.  In fact, the country has never been able to develop without international aid since the Second World War.  These structural and cultural problems have partly made the victory of the Taliban possible.  The country’s history during the 20th century and its mentality should have made Westerners very cautious. more here

20 Comments on Here’s What Makes Modernizing Afghanistan Impossible

  1. “UNICEF and the World Food Programme” will be trading food for child sex. They are more extensive than Epstein ever dreamed of being. Maxwell should have gotten a gig at the UN – she’d be free now.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. How can this be? It is almost impossible to listen to anyone defending Islam without hearing how “they” modernized everything. Coffee, chess, chemistry, the crank-shaft, modern surgical instruments, etc. /sarc

  3. Neil Degrasse Tyson did a Y-tube lecture about why that particular religion did not progress much.
    At one point they became “Anti-math” & considered it the manipulation of numbers.

    It was a speech about how Jews represented a very small population of the world but accounted for almost 25% of the Nobel Peace prizes for SCIENCE.

    Funny how radical university profs are newly against Math, A true science.

  4. What makes Afghanistan impossible to “westernize” is genetics and thousands of years of tribalism.

    Biden importing tens of thousands of military age Afghan men into the US will wreak havoc with our nation.

  5. Dependent on foreign aid since WW2 (which means US aid). Why? What the hell is so important? F them. If China is so enamored with this shithole, let them support it by themselves.

  6. The greatest obstacle to improving lives around the world is THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. If there is one constant whenever and wherever they gain control and control the agenda the programs they implement always ends up exacerbating the problems that were causing innocent human suffering, misery and death if not replacing them with other ills that are far more pernicious.

    This simply IS the documented result each and every time they get involved in anything and then they have the audacity to point their bony Goddamned fingers at others. The followers of progressivism just are a despicable lot. Any virtues they claim are counterfeit and hollow. It simply must be that their motivation is to serve Satan by increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. There now exists more than a century of undisputed documentation of what has happened each and every time, without fail, when they have rose in stature, gained critical mass, consolidated power and been able to implement their agenda. There just is not a single instance they can point to in which the result has not eventually resulted in massively increased innocent human suffering, misery and death if not out and out genocide.

    It is unequivocal, based on past experiences, where their agenda, if implemented will lead – yet they persist. How anyone can concede good intentions to individuals who would be involved in propagating more innocent human suffering, misery and death is beyond me. They obviously are proceeding with full knowledge and understanding that what they intend is pleasing to their Dark Prince.

  7. The PTB is of the opinion that it will be easier to brute-force-destroy Western standards of affluence, value and culture to a 17th century level, rather than try to raise most of the middle east up to the 20th century. First thing they’ve been right about.


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