Mass Psychosis on Display – Dumpy Moron Screams Like Frightened Poofter When A Guy Lowers Mask To Smell a Candle – IOTW Report

Mass Psychosis on Display – Dumpy Moron Screams Like Frightened Poofter When A Guy Lowers Mask To Smell a Candle

Listen, Fruitloops, when you’re smelling a candle you are BREATHING IN!!!!!!!!!! The scary Covid monster is not gong to attack you!!! You FU**ING PSYCHOTIC SHITFERBRAINS!!!

I am done with these people.

Here’s the ironic part of all of this – I DON’T EVEN WANT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET WITH THESE ASSHOLES!!!!!!

If I can’t shoot them, they win!

36 Comments on Mass Psychosis on Display – Dumpy Moron Screams Like Frightened Poofter When A Guy Lowers Mask To Smell a Candle

  1. No one is following any mask mandates where I live. Our Sheriff made that perfectly clear that our town is anti-mandates. He made it perfectly clear not to call the Sheriff if you own a business and someone enters in without a mask on. so I went into WalMart yesterday and was sniffing candles. They smelled horrid! 75% off of bad smelling candles. Jars and jars left on the shelf because people sniffed them and put them back maskless.

    P.S. No one has approached me to put a mask on. I have that look on my face “don’t even try it.” 🙂

  2. Canada. I do HVAC work at a few of their stores.
    The staff definitely has a Maximum Allowable IQ.

    The screaming girly menopausal “male” was more likely to give himself a Heart Attack than Die of Kung Pow Flu.

    At one point during the pandemic the government was ordering certain shelves & items NON-Essential & not legal for sale.
    (Way to go Doug Ford you Fat Shit Pussy fake Conservative.)

    Dollarama, Toronto, Royal York & Egglington:

    You were able to buy mixing bowls, measuring cups, large utensils for cooking, pots etc.

    You were not allowed to buy dishes, glasses, regular size forks and knives etc.
    Socks were also Non-essential (Viva Frei did a video)

  3. Mass hysteria. No functioning brains. Notice the beards? How’s a mask gonna work with a beard (not that a mask can stop a virus)? What a bunch of fucking morons.
    Like Lemmings, they’ll eventually run off a cliff.
    Yeah, the Mask Gestapo.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And yet the store owner/employees are wearing cloth masks. Even more worth less than M95 masks, Spoon fed morons. I have never encountered this however I think the best tact is to just walk out. They are after the confrontation. You can’t fix stupid and you sure as hell can’t argue with it.

  5. Phenry,

    The $2/hr raise went to his head. About $16 Cdn, or $12.75 US.

    In perspective, a pound of butter is about $7 canuckistan loonies.

  6. No, but seriously, how many bad decisions in life does it take for a fully grown man to work in a store that sells scented candles? and be bitchy about it?

    Sorry to be a prick about this, but perhaps he’s be jilted one too many times in gay bathhouses.

    Scented candle policeman? Really? What a miserable life.

  7. It’s not ‘psychosis’ as much as it is neurosis and narcissism.
    These people made a deal with the left: no matter what they do (men in little girls’ bathrooms, child molestation, sexual predation, getting fat as a house and complaining about health care costs, too obnoxious to find a man and get pregnant so they complain about abortion access to distract, etc), they get a ‘pass’ so long as they act like lunatics FOR the left.

  8. What about that cesspool of bacteria and viruses called a child standing there with no mask? And they are jumping this guys ass?

    When my daughter went to school she was always dragging colds and flus home with her. Get serious aholes.

  9. I don’t encounter these kind of people around here anymore, did at first when they thought kids were killing them and that 6 feet, a mask and following arrows on the floor would save you.
    I never wore a mask and never followed the arrows, I did stay away from them, but I do that regularly anyway. lol

    There is an old rent-a-cop at the cancer clinic that acts that way though, one day my husband pulled his mask down when getting on the elevator by himself, the guy went to yelling like this idiot then almost caused himself a heart attack by running up the stairs to meet him when he got off the elevator. My husband told him he couldn’t understand him over the wheezing and to get a life, rona wasn’t going to attack him alone in the elevator. lol

  10. @ Illustr8r JANUARY 2, 2022 AT 3:28 PM

    I’ve found requesting that someone who is in my personal space generally responds to a request that they not crowd my gun arm by keeping a fair amount of real estate between us.

  11. Bet every single one of these idiots believes the global warming crap. Brainwashed and believing in their great virtue because they are the same ones who stood quietly in line in school. The world is full of constipated Hall Monitors.

  12. I don’t have to watch this particular animal act to know the gist.

    Sidebar re: Twitter — I should have done this a long time ago, before they shit-canned MTG and Dr. Malone et al., but better late than never:

    𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙩.𝙘𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨.

    Is there still useful content on twitter? Sure. I don’t care. Anybody who uses twitter to communicate about anything I’m interested in MUST BE self-censoring. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to post there any more. If that’s the case, my respect for them falls below the threshold where I’ll spend my time reading whatever they have to say. It’s a sad thing, really, but there it is.

  13. So glad I live in Florida and don’t have to put up with this bullshit. Never thought I’d say that, since I actually hate Florida, but at least the fishing is top notch.

  14. The best part about all of this nonsense is that eventually they’ll all die from one of the boosters, if not directly from the vax (which isn’t a vax). These mask Nazi’s are batshit crazy.

    Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

  15. Charlie WalksonWater January 2, 2022 at 3:45 pm

    @Goldenfoxx Did they have Gwyneth paltros name on the candles?

    LOL! No, but…….Nope, nope I ain’t going to fall for this one, I won’t leave myself open to be called out on this one. 🙂

  16. Ya gots to know yer audience.
    Now if shopping dude had just dropped the front of his underwear instead of the mask, I’d bet good money that krazy shop creeper there woulda given him the Squeal of Approval while fanning his face!!

  17. A few days before Christmas, running on empty trying to get get everything done, had an epic meltdown in the car over masks, politics, biden, all of it! The final straw was the death of child in the Christmas parade by the guy the DA let go a few days before. Went into a grocery store and pulled my mask down below my nose and could hear someone complain to the stock boy as I walked by. Girly boy came bounding over, all bubbly and talking like a kindergarten teacher, saying, “If you could just pull your mask up to cover your nose that would be just great!”

    He doesn’t know how near he was to death that moment.

  18. “No, but seriously, how many bad decisions in life does it take for a fully grown man to work in a store that sells scented candles? and be bitchy about it?”

    what other kind of “man” would work in a scented candle store?

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